For additional holiday hours information, please visit the library hours and update page on the library web site.
"In preparation for the AU homepage launch this weekend, the main AU webpage will be offline for several hours Friday evening (11/18/11). This outage will have no effect on other services (e.g. Student Email, Employee Email, ANGEL, Mediasite, etc.) however, your ability to access these systems via the main AU website will be temporarily unavailable. AU web services that are bookmarked will be available but there will be no access through the main www.ashland.edu website for a few hours what the site is prepared for cutover to the new homepage." -- AU Campus Communications, Information Technology
The data used in the report was from a collaborative OCLC-OhioLINK Collection and Circulation Analysis project that joined OhioLINK circulation data with WorldCat bibliographic records to produce a base file of circulation records for nearly 30 million different books. Ninety institutions participated in the study, including 16 universities, 23 community/technical colleges, 50 private colleges and the State Library of Ohio. The size of the combined collection and the number and diversity of participating institutions make this by far the largest and most comprehensive study of academic library circulation ever undertaken. -- OhioLINK What's New, 9/29/11
"On Friday, September 9 and Saturday, September 10, JSTOR will be performing site maintenance that requires a “read-only” period for these two days. During this scheduled maintenance, users will be able to search, browse, and access and download PDF files for content in JSTOR. They will not be able to save citations, reset passwords, create or update MyJSTOR accounts, or purchase articles."
Quesitons? Feel free to contact the reference desk at extension 5402 (or 419-289-5402) for information.
"We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate your patience as we work to improve JSTOR." -- JSTOR Support
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Temporary service has been restored to a failed server. You may notice some slowness or intermittent time outs when using the following OSearch databases:
- PsycINFO
- ERIC (the OSearch version only)
"Designed for new and returning faculty at all AU campuses, this session will help faculty become actuanted with library staff, our collection, and faculty services. learn how to use the library web site to access datbases, e-journals, e-books, research grant sources, and digital media. We will discuss electronic services, your library acquisition requestions, interlibrary loan, OhioLINK automated book borrowing, and current awareness services geared to your research interests. We will also cover our library instruction programs that tailors assignment-specific research sessions for your classes on any AU campus."
Need help accessing this resource? Contact a reference librarian via chat, email library@ashland.edu , or phone x5402. Better yet, stop by the information desk on the main floor to learn more about this resource."OhioLINK announces the launch of the OhioLINK Music Center (OMC), http://music.ohiolink.edu/, featuring more than 78,000 tracks and 21,000 works from the Naxos Music Library. Users can search for and listen to tracks in six genres -- Chinese music, classical music, opera, jazz, spoken word and world music -- with works from many well-known composers, including Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Chopin, Strauss, Copeland, and Ellington.""Access to the music files is restricted to the students, faculty and staff of OhioLINK member institutions, and off-campus access is available. Flash player is required. Catalog records for the albums should be available in the central catalog in the next few weeks."
On Facebook? Don't forget to visit and like the Ashland University Library Facebook page for news, information and timely tips."The AU Goes Green facebook group serves the Ashland University community in informing members about green events and initiatives." - About AU Goes Green
Just a reminder: the OhioLINK Central Catalog will be down for several hours starting at noon TOMORROW (7/7)for server migration. If you've got book requests on your to-do list, this might be the best time to do it!
The OhioLINK Central Catalog will be unavailable while planned maintenance is performed beginning at noon on Thursday, July 7. We expect the migration to a new server will be completed by the evening of the 7th. During this time you will not be able to search the central catalog or request items. Local library catalogs will remain available for searching.
With the approval of the User Services Committee, the new header bar and stylesheet are now in place on the main web site. This continues the ongoing process to refresh our user interfaces which you have seen already in the EJC and other OhioLINK services.
This refresh includes revisions to the home page, including a different layout if the page detects you're using a mobile browser (to see it, resize your browser window to less than 800px wide and go to http://www.ohiolink.edu/ - it also happens automatically if your browser identifies itself with a name that includes iPad, iPod, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, or Symbian*). This logic is also used in the map of members and the EJC article-level display.
As a lagniappe, the home page now also randomly rotates the library photo every thirty seconds. We hope you enjoy the new look and feel and that our users coming in on mobile devices find that website easier to work with.
Zoe Stewart-Marshall Assistant Director,
User Services Development
By clicking on the “Online Journals by Title” box on the library’s main page, you are actually accessing a lot more than online journals! A search by title will reveal the online full text journals available in the library’s many databases and the Electronic Journal Center at OhioLINK. This search also provides links to the library’s catalog where you can see the holdings of more than 1300 paper and microfiche journals available at the Main library and the Seminary Library. In the example below, a search for the title BOOKLIST, retrieves several format options, one of them is the paper option. By clicking on the link, you can connect to the library's catalog to view detailed holdings and location information.
Index | Titles | Subjects | Search | About This Site | ||||||||||
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