To better service users on and off campus, we have recently weeded the mircofilm and microfiche library holdings. After careful consideration, the collection was significantly reduced in size and relocated from the east side of the library (to the right as you enter) to the west side of the library (outside of the director's office).
Why change? Reducing the footprint of these collections has created usable space on the main floor that will soon translate to an open area for students.
Going Green? Yes, weeding these collections will impact paper usage, printing and copying, as electronic copies of these documents are readily available. Microfilm and microfiche were safely recycled by a reputable local company.
Is anything left? Yes! Microfilm and microfiche journals that are not readily available are still part of the collection.
Are these items still available to library users? Yes! Many items weeded from the microfilm and microfiche collection are still available through various AU library and OhioLINK databases or via interlibrary loan article requests.