- Monday through Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm - Saturday and Sunday
"The moratorium on web development will continue over the summer. A content freeze will go into effect 4 to 6 weeks prior to the website launch in late September or early October. All content on web pages will be moved to the new website as is unless there are emergency updates due to upcoming activities or other critical changes." -IT Advisory Committee
Please feel free to contact us with questions regarding the University web site redesign. We want to make this transition as easy as possible.
"On July 20, 1969, the human race accomplished its single greatest technological achievement of all time when a human first set foot on another celestial body." -- NASA
Internet Resources
In the Library Catalog
In the Library, Juvenile Collection
OhioLINK staff will be performing planned maintenance on the machines that run the OSearch databases on Friday, July 9, from 12-4 a.m. We expect there to be few, if any, noticeable disruptions, but there may be brief periods where databases are unavailable or not fully functioning.
OSearch databases include:
- Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature 1920-1997
- Art Full Text
- ATLA Religion Database
- Biological Abstracts/BIOSIS Previews
- Business and Industry 1994-2006
- Compendex/ Compendex Historical
- Education Full Text
- Inspec/Inspec Archives
- PAIS International
- PsycINFO/PsycINFO Historical
- Sociological Abstracts 1963-2005
-- (7/8/09) Candi Clevenger, OhioLINK Communications Manager
Four programs recently joined the OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center and began contributing theses and dissertations online. The four newest ETD Center members are: John Carroll University, the Ohio University honors program, the University of Toledo's honors program, and Walsh University’s honor’s program.
There are now 30 programs, from 23 member institutions, participating in the OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center. The ETD Center is a free, online database of more than 19,700 graduate theses and dissertations and undergraduate honors theses from students at participating Ohio colleges and universities. For more information about the OhioLINK ETD Center, visit the frequently asked questions page.
-- (7/1/09) Candi Clevenger, Communications Manager, OhioLINK