December 18, 2009
Library Hours: Winter Break
Ashland University Offices are also following a holiday schedule.
We wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and joyous holiday season.
December 10, 2009
Library Hours: Dec. 11 - 19

Our hours for the week of December 13th-19th:
Monday through Thursday, 8 am to 5 pm
Friday, 8 am to 4 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Please visit the library web site for a complete schedule of our hours during this time.
December 9, 2009
Library Hours Update
OhioLINK Servers Back Up
December 8, 2009
Security Updates & OhioLINK
"You will need to check your Windows update status and make sure you have downloaded and installed all of the latest security updates, especially those related to your browser. You are not required to upgrade to IE8 or the latest version of your preferred browser, but you may want to do that. However to access our resources you but must apply all security updates. Until these are installed you will not be able to authenticate." -- OhioLINK, December 8, 2009, at 06:10 PM
If you need assistance doing a Windows update, contact the library at 419-289-5402 or
OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center and Databases
Most databases remain accessible from the AU Library web pages, but "Find It" links from them to the EJC return a message that the EJC is "probably too busy right now."
December 7, 2009
Extended Hours Continue
Ashland University Library wishes everyone success on the end of year studies and exams.
December 3, 2009
LexisNexis Printing Problem Resolved
LexisNexis Academic Printing Problem
Although both printing and downloading are affected, it appears that one can e-mail documents from LexisNexis and then open and print the e-mailed documents.
November 30, 2009
Extended Hours
Extended hours do not apply to the Instructional Resource Center (IRC), library second floor. Color printing will not be available during extended hours. Ashland University Library wishes everyone success on the end of year studies and exams.
November 29, 2009
Food for Fines
Monday, November 30th through Friday, December 11th, you will get 50 cents off any non-OhioLINK fine for each non-perishable food item you bring to the library. All food donations will go to the Ashland County Food Bank.
November 24, 2009
Library Hours Update
Both the Electronic Books Center and the EAD Finding Aid Repository should be back up and functioning now. Please report any new problems with the service you may find. -- Zoe Stewart-Marshall, OhioLINK
The OhioLINK Electronic Book Center is offline at the moment. A support ticket has been opened with OARnet and they are addressing the problem. Hopefully, it will be up shortly. -- Anita Cook
November 13, 2009

You can follow OhioLINK on Twitter! Visit them @
Update: "As of about 1:50 pm on Friday the EBC is again available."
November 11, 2009
OhioLINK: QuickSearch

"We are again having problems with Quicksearch.
Symptom - the software appears to be working. You enter a search and it goes off and seems to search but consistently yields no results.
Whatever you put in as your search string is not being passed to the search function so it fails to function.
... Please direct your patrons to Academic Search Complete or the Electronic Journal Center directly. And we apologize for the inconvenience." -- OhioLINK, Zoe Stewart-Marshall
November 9, 2009
OhioLINK: Services Restored

November 8, 2009
OhioLINK: Service Interruption
"A networking problem took all the OhioLINK services offline on Sunday afternoon. As of 6pm, all services were restored with the exception of access to the BIOSIS, PsycINFO and ERIC databases. We have engineers working on the problem but do not yet have an estimate of when the problem will be resolved. We will post updates as needed." -- OhioLINK, Zoe Stewart-Marshall
OhioLINK Services Up & Running
OhioLINK Service Unavailable Sunday Afternoon
November 6, 2009
OhioLINK: Services Restored

"All services are back up and available. Please report any problems you experience to Thank you for your patience as we worked through the hardware issues."
November 5, 2009
OhioLINK: EJC Update
"As of 7:15p on Thursday, all services except for the Electronic Journal Center are back up and working."
OhioLINK: EJC Down
"As of 4:25pm Thursday, the EJC is down due to a hardware problem. We have engineers looking at the problem. We will post updates when and as necessary."
"The same problem has made many of the OSearch databases unavailable also. It appears that PsycINFO, ERIC, and Biological Abstracts/BIOSIS are up. All other OSearch databases are currently down."
Update: Journal Access in AU Library Catalog
Thank you for your continued patience.
November 3, 2009
Library Spotlight: Reference Area

The newest edition to the library main floor reorganization project is our reference area! Located next to the reference collection, this easily accessible dedicated reference and information station makes it easy to work with an AU librarian in a comfortable setting.
Questions about research? Problems with a locating information for an assignment? Finding help in the library is easy; pull up a chair and spend some quality time working with a reference librarian.
Library Spotlight: Display Cases

There are a number of display cases throughout the library providing information to users about campus activities and various library collections. New to the library is a display case in the basement located directly outside of the elevators. The current display, Ohio's Native Voices, was created by Serials & Technical Services Assistant Karin Hootman and features Native American Tribes in Ohio.

November 2, 2009
Library Catalog & Journal Access
Access to research databases using Journals A to Z, LibGuides, and the library's Databases by Title web page is fully restored for users on and off campus.
Journal Access & AU Library Catalog
- Restoration of access to 74,000+ journal links from the library catalog is in progress.
- Records are being restored in batches of 5,000 and over 15,000 records have been loaded thus far.
- We anticipate the process will be complete within the next six to eight weeks.
Electronic Books & AU Library Catalog
- We are continuing to restore access to our e-book collection from the library catalog.
- There are currently 46,000+ e-books in the catalog from different vendors.
- It is anticipated full access to e-books in the catalog will be restored by the end of the term.
October 30, 2009
Library Hours

- Monday - Thursday: 7:45 am to Midnight
- Friday: 7:45 am to 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Sunday: 1:00 pm to Midnight
Thank you for your continued patience.
October 28, 2009
Log in questions?
This login is a component of the new university web site, it allows users to personalize their web site experience. Select the login option to view the User Account page; enter your AU Username and corresponding password and log in.
After login, you will be directed to the tab and information best suited for your needs. Students will see the Current Students tab and Faculty & Staff their information page. Remember, the library is a direct link below online resources for current students!
If you are using a public access computer, feel free to log out after you have finished. On your personal computer, it will generally remember your login. Keep in mind, this particular login option is for the web site, not library databases. Off campus users will continue to authenticate using traditional means.
October 27, 2009
Update: Off Campus Authentication

To authenticate, enter your Ashland University ID number (without the "au-" prefix) and your last name. Upon completion, you will be directed to your database or electronic book selection.
Problems? Help is available directly from the blog. Feel free to contact us using the blog chat widget, any of library help quick links in the sidebar, or call the reference desk @ x5402.
October 26, 2009
AU Library Catalog: E-Books & Journal Access
- Restoration of access to 74,000+ journal links from the library catalog has begun.
- Records are being restored in batches of 5,000 each morning before the library opens.
- We anticipate the process will be complete within the next six to eight weeks.
Remember, access to research databases using Journals A to Z, LibGuides, and the library's Databases by Title web page is fully restored for users on and off campus.
Electronic Books & AU Library Catalog
- We are continuing to restore access to our e-book collection from the library catalog.
- There are currently 46,000+ e-books in the catalog from different vendors.
- It is anticipated full access to e-books in the catalog will be restored by the end of the term.
Looking for an e-book? We recommend starting with the E-book web page. Remember, access to OhioLINK's electronic book collection is possible from the AU library catalog and the library's E-Books web page.
October 23, 2009
Library Hours

- Monday - Thursday: 7:45 am to Midnight
- Friday: 7:45 am to 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Sunday: 1:00 pm to Midnight
Thank you for your continued patience.
October 21, 2009
Library web site news
Quick Links Menu
These resources remains available, please use the library's Databases by Title page for quick access to all of our databases. Thank you for your continued patience.
Update: 10/21/09 @ 3:00 pm - Links have been restored.
October 19, 2009
Finding Help
A HELP! link has been added to the Library more information site below the About the Library. The link will take users to the help page index detailing various help resources offered by the library.
At this time, our traditional help links will remain on the library blog sidebar for easy access.
Finding Help
With the help links, back by popular demand, is "My library account." Remember, in addition to this helpful link, it is possible at any time to renew books online from the library catalog by choosing View Your Library Record and Renew Items.
October 16, 2009
Library Hours

- Monday - Thursday: 7:45 am to Midnight
- Friday: 7:45 am to 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Sunday: 1:00 pm to Midnight
Thank you for your continued patience. We are working diligently to submit help tickets necessary for corrections and appreciate everyone who has contacted us regarding problems with the site.
October 15, 2009
Resources by Subject (LibGuides) Links Now Working
Thank you for your patience.
Journals by title
We are confident this resource works on campus. At this time, off campus access has not been investigated. If you have problems using Journals by Title from an off campus location, please be sure to let us know.
October 14, 2009
Update: database access
Databases Access & Searching: Access to all databases from on and off campus has been restored, please begin any database search from the library's database by title page. If you are having problems linking to the databases, please refresh your browser and try again.
Feel free to contact us regarding database access from either of these resources. We continue to work with database problems within LibGuides, the Library Catalog, E-Res (electronic reserves), and Journals by Title.
Chat from the Blog!
Please feel free to use this chat widget in addtion to the those placed in LibGuides and on the library help page. If chat happens to be off line, leave a message (if you need an answer be sure to include contact information) or stop back again soon.
Missing Help Pages
- Ask a Librarian
- Ask Us! Chat with a Librarian
- Connecting to Library Resources from Off-Campus
- Library FAQ's
- OhioLINK Requests
- Schedule a Research Appointment
- Finding Help in the Library
We hope to be able to rectify this problem once access to content is released back to the library. Remember, chat options are available throughout LibGuides.
Off campus access
To authenticate, enter your Ashland University ID number (without au-) and your last name. After the process is complete, you will be directed to your selected database.

Blog Comments Open
October 13, 2009
Library Resources
- Choose the current students tab
- From the purple navigation bar, select academics
- On the left-hand side of the page, choose library (grey box)
- Lastly, choose "more information" from the same left navigation bar to view

Off campus access
LibGuides currently houses sixty individual information portals created to supplement library instruction, specific course needs, and often general information for colleges. Each of these portals contains anywhere between three and ten individual pages with links to databases, articles, electronic reserves, electronic books, and the library catalog. Any link requiring authentication will need to be updated. In some cases, this may be done automatically.

In addition to LibGuides, other applications may be effected. Please note the updated information displayed below:
- Electronic Books: Access from our E-Books page has not been updated. We recommend you go straight to the OhioLINK web page to access E-Books. You will be asked to authenticate.
- AU Library Catalog: Access to databases and electronic books from the library catalog are currently being updated, but you may have problems.
- Electronic Reserves (E-Res): Students being directed to articles in library databases may have problems. Please contact E-Res manager Judi Humphrey @ x5400 with questions.
- Journals A to Z: It is possible to use this resource for locating electronic versions of specific journals housed in available databases. However, all links from this page are proxy bound and currently unavilable. Use the link to find the journal, then go back to the database by title page to access the information.
October 12, 2009
Electronic Reserves: E-Res
As with the LibGuides issue, we are working to resolve all of the proxy changes in these distance learning resources.
Library Hours Incorrect
- Monday - Thursday: 7:45 am to Midnight
- Friday: 7:45 am to 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Sunday: 1:00 pm to Midnight
Thank you for your continued patience. We are working diligently to correct errors and appreciate everyone who has contacted us regarding problems with the site.
Links to Research Databases Not Working
In order to access our research databases and continue with your research use this link to our Databases by Title list. If you have any questions or difficulty don't hesitate to contact us at 419-289-4502.
Thank you for your patience.
Library Web Site
The good news, our information is still available! Please use the following links for databases, the catalog, electronic reserves and LibGuides:
A rendition of our previous web site is available @
October 9, 2009
Library Spotlight: Reading Area
October 7, 2009
Library Spotlight: New Books
Looking for a new book highlighted on this blog? All new titles are initially placed on the new book shelf, stop here first.
Interested in recommending a book for the collection? Contact your library liaison for more information or submit a suggestion via the library catalog.
October 5, 2009
Library Spotlight: New Books
- Europe Between the Oceans: Themes and Variations, 9000 BC - AD 1000
CB245.C85 2008 - First Peoples in a New World: colonizing Ice Age America
E779. .M45 2009 - The Myth of the Rational Market: A History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall Street
HB3731.F69 2009 - Defying Dixie: The Radical Roots of Civil Rights
HN79.A13 G54 2009 - Women and Politics Around the world: A Comparative History and Survey
HQ1236.W5876 2009 - The Education Week Guide to K-12 Terminology
LB15.E335 2009 - Strategies for the Tech-Savvy Classroom
LB1028.3.W58 2009 - Videoconferencing for K-12 Classrooms: A Program Development Guide
LB1044.9.V53 C65 2009 - The End
PS3619.C53 E63 2008 - Tune Up to Literacy: Original Songs and Activities for Kids
Z718.3.B35 2009
October 4, 2009
OhioLINK: Services Restored

"All services should be up and working properly. If you have problems with any of the OhioLINK services, please report them to"-- Saturday, 9:49 pm
October 2, 2009
Database Access
During this time, we recommend you begin your search using the library database page and not the OhioLINK database page as an access point for online research. There will be still be a few resources unavailable, but using the library page increases chances for database success.
"ALL OhioLINK systems will be offline on Saturday, October 3rd from approximately 4 a.m. to 8 p.m. (or after depending on when the work is completed). We are working on putting a redirect message on a machine outside the OSU facility that will display a message to anyone trying to connect to one of OhioLINK's services. That should be in place for Saturday's downtime." -- Anita Cook, OhioLINK

September 29, 2009
Library Spotlight: Reading Area
More pictures will be coming soon as we are still finessing placement, arranging items around the new reading area for maximum comfort, but stop in soon and "sit a spell."
There is still more to come @ your library.
September 28, 2009
Have You Read a Banned or Challenged Book?
Learn more about About Banned and Challenged Books:
- Frequently Challenged Books
- Banned and Challenged Classics
- 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books by Decade
- Number of Challenges by Initiator, Institution, Type and Year
- Most Frequently Challenged Authors of the 21st Century
Looking at the top ten banned and challenged classics, titles link to the library catalog:
- The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
- The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger
- The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck
- To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee
- The Color Purple, Alice Walker
- Ulysses, James Joyce
- Beloved, Toni Morrison
- The Lord of the Flies, William Golding
- 1984, George Orwell
- The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner
September 21, 2009
Library Catalog

We are in the midst of having our security certificate renewed for the library catalog. While in progress, you may notice the above message when reloading a catalog page, requesting OhioLINK books, or trying to renew or view your library record.
- If using Internet Explorer, simply choose the option: continue to this website.
- If using Mozilla it may take a few more steps, but you will be able to move beyond the expired security certificate.
We apologize for the inconvenience and expect the issue to be resolved within the week. Thank you in advance for your patience and as always, please feel free to ask for help.
The U.S. Department of Education will spend $29 million over the next five years to enhance and operate the ERIC digital library of education literature, which offers free access to a broad array of scholarly materials. ERIC is the world's largest and most frequently used digital library of education, containing more than 1.3 million bibliographic records indexed from 1966 to the present. Its website ( provides free access to the ERIC digital library, which received more than 40 million visits in 2008 from educators, researchers, and the general public.
New enhancements included in this five-year contract include:
Collaboration with the agency's library to digitize and process archival
materials related to the history of the Department, such as early 20th century
records from the Commissioner of Education Enhanced online submission format allowing Department of Education grantees
and contractors to easily submit reports and related published research Establishment of a Library Committee, composed of school, academic, and
special librarians who will recommend journals and sources, changes to the ERIC
Thesaurus, and services and outreach Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of 486,000 digitized microfiche
documents to ensure universal access.The ERIC website provides an alphabetical list of more than 984 journals currently indexed in the digital library. Other materials-including research syntheses, conference papers, technical reports, and policy papers -are also indexed from more than 760 sources. More than 20 percent of the collection is full-text materials. ERIC, one of the longest-running services offered by the department of education, is part of the National Library of Education in the Institute of Education Sciences. Visit the ERIC website at: -- IES Newsflash 9/21/09
Ashland University Library provides users with access to the ERIC government portal as well as ERIC in EBSCOHost and ERIC via OhioLINK. As always, full text not available in these database resources may be requested using InterLibrary Loan.
This information is also available on the IRC blog post ERIC Update.
September 8, 2009
LibGuides Resources by Subject

Resources by Subject, also known as LibGuides, are not part of the current university-wide web content freeze. Guides created for classes and developed by AU librarians will continue to be updated with new information and resources for library users. For ease of use, a quick link to the library blog is featured on the guide main page.
Remember, sections of the library web site not effected by the content freeze include:
- Electronic Reserves
- Library Catalog
- AU Library News Blog
- Instructional Resource Center Blog
- Chat Services
- OhioLINK
Please feel free to contact us with questions regarding the University web site redesign. We want to make this transition as easy as possible.
September 3, 2009
Library Hours: Labor Day
- Saturday, September 5th: Library Closed
- Sunday, September 6th: Library Closed
- Monday, September 7th: Library opens @ 6:00 pm
Regular hours resume on Tuesday, September 8th.
Please note Instructional Resource Center holiday hours differ from the main library. When the IRC is closed and the library open, general second floor computers and printing remain available to students. Color printing and other IRC resources are not available when the IRC is closed.
August 24, 2009
August 18, 2009
OhioLINK & Google Books
"The OhioLINK catalog has links to Google Books when a limited preview or the entire book is available for reading. Entries with information only (citation) were eliminated thanks to Thomas. The phrases you will find in the catalog now include: Limited Preview at Google Books and Read at Google Books." -- Sue Polanka, Wright State University
Sample searches illustrating Google Book results include:

Limited Preview at Google Books

* Record and javascript must load and run for Google Books to display.
August 7, 2009
OhioLINK: New Database
"Ohio Capitol Connection provides information about current and past legislation of the Ohio General Assembly. Updated daily, it has the complete status and full text of bills introduced in the Ohio General Assembly. This database includes rosters of House and Senate members searchable by name or location, and addresses and biographies of the General Assembly members. While the database focuses on Ohio, information about the Federal government is also available." - OhioLINK Databases
July 31, 2009
Library Hours: August Update
Main Floor: Newspapers & Recreational

Newspapers (previously behind the reserves desk) and recrational reading (previously along the wall next to serials) are now featured prominently on the main floor. What's planned next for the area surrounding these two features is exciting ... but can not be shared just yet.
Stop in and see us sometime soon!

Serials Area Update

Organization of the new serials collection has begun! This area, highlighted by ranges angled to allow for maximum light flow on the main floor, is now in the process of being labeled with both individual shelf and end-cap signage. Ohio government documents lead this collection with journals and periodicals following alphabetically toward the back wall.
Next up for this section is repurposing the government documents. Currently located on the walls around the serials collection, government documents will be evaluated and detailed with signage. If you need locating items in either of these collections during this transition, please feel free to ask at the circulation and reference desk.

Print & Copy Stations, part 2

With bulk of major floor moves finished, stacks removed and existing furniture and equipment relocated, we are continuing to "tweak" the main floor layout maximum usability. The printer portion of our main floor print and copy station has been moved from serials to the area directly to the left of the copy station; against the back wall.
More news to come!
July 27, 2009
Print & Copy Stations

As the footprint of the new main floor reorganization takes shape, we have been able to create extended, easily accessible, service areas for library patrons. Case in point, the new printer and copy stations. Located against the wall where the reserves desk used to reside (have you noticed the old reserves desk is gone?) is the new print station. No longer hidden from view, finding and collecting print jobs is a snap.

Serials: Journals & Periodicals

The serials collection new home! Relocating the serials collection is a work in progress; building new shelving/stacks and back shifting the journals from Z to A - not to mention weeding and updating journal offerings, is a time consuming and often noisy process. If you are in the library during this relocation, please excuse the constant rattling of shelving and rolling carts of materials, along with the constant chattering of your library staff.

Pictured: Jan Marotta, Sue Ellen Ronk, Ed Krakora (library director)
Serials: Journals & Periodicals
Government & Ohio Documents

Moving the microfilm and microfiche collections provided opportunity to redesign and enhance the serials collection, journals and periodicals, to include Government and Ohio Documents. Currently, the perimeter shelves of our new serials collection holds these documents; this temporary arrangement is the first step in weeding and updating the government documents collection making it more user friendly and accessible. During this transition, please feel free to ask for help locating items in the document collection - and remember - many of these documents are available online.

Microfilm & Microfiche

To better service users on and off campus, we have recently weeded the mircofilm and microfiche library holdings. After careful consideration, the collection was significantly reduced in size and relocated from the east side of the library (to the right as you enter) to the west side of the library (outside of the director's office).
Why change? Reducing the footprint of these collections has created usable space on the main floor that will soon translate to an open area for students.
Going Green? Yes, weeding these collections will impact paper usage, printing and copying, as electronic copies of these documents are readily available. Microfilm and microfiche were safely recycled by a reputable local company.
Is anything left? Yes! Microfilm and microfiche journals that are not readily available are still part of the collection.
Are these items still available to library users? Yes! Many items weeded from the microfilm and microfiche collection are still available through various AU library and OhioLINK databases or via interlibrary loan article requests.