LibGuides currently houses sixty individual information portals created to supplement library instruction, specific course needs, and often general information for colleges. Each of these portals contains anywhere between three and ten individual pages with links to databases, articles, electronic reserves, electronic books, and the library catalog. Any link requiring authentication will need to be updated. In some cases, this may be done automatically.

In addition to LibGuides, other applications may be effected. Please note the updated information displayed below:
- Electronic Books: Access from our E-Books page has not been updated. We recommend you go straight to the OhioLINK web page to access E-Books. You will be asked to authenticate.
- AU Library Catalog: Access to databases and electronic books from the library catalog are currently being updated, but you may have problems.
- Electronic Reserves (E-Res): Students being directed to articles in library databases may have problems. Please contact E-Res manager Judi Humphrey @ x5400 with questions.
- Journals A to Z: It is possible to use this resource for locating electronic versions of specific journals housed in available databases. However, all links from this page are proxy bound and currently unavilable. Use the link to find the journal, then go back to the database by title page to access the information.