August 15, 2022

Archer Library Instructon Program

Course Integrated Library Instruction

Archer Library's instruction program supports the educational mission of Ashland University by providing information literacy based library instruction sessions. Core competencies of information literacy include "the abilities involved in identifying an information need, accessing needed information, evaluating, managing, and applying information, and understanding the legal, social, and ethical aspects of information use" (ACRL,2006). Instruction sessions are designed to actively involve students, each provides opportunity for experiential learning and scaffolds relevant research skills.

Librarians will work with you to: 

  • Identify library resources (e.g. databases, eBooks and OER) best suited to student research, 
  • Design and develop sessions that actively involve students, provide for experiential learning and scaffold relevant research skills to support assignments, 
  • Provide students with information literacy skills to help them think critically about their research Explore and identify assessment strategies for your library instruction session, and 
  • Identify information literacy framework knowledge practices and dispositions to connect research and learning with student success

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