December 21, 2016
OhioLINK Maintenance December 28
OhioLINK services will be down for maintenance on December 28th from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Affected services will include the OhioLINK web site, OhioLINK Catalog, OhioLINK Electronic Book Center, OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center, and the OhioLINK Digital Resource Center.
December 19, 2016
Library Hours: Winter Break
AU Library will be closed Tuesday, December 20, 2016 through Monday, January 2, 2017 for Ashland University campus winter break.
AU Library will be open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on Tuesday, January 3rd. For additional holiday hours information, please visit the library hours and update page on the library web site.
We wish for you a joyous holiday season!
December 15, 2016
Library Hours: After Finals
December 15th - 19th
Thursday, 12/15
7:45 am to 5:00 pm
Friday, 12/16
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday, 12/17 & Sunday, 12/18
Monday, 12/19
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
7:45 am to 5:00 pm
Friday, 12/16
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday, 12/17 & Sunday, 12/18
Monday, 12/19
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Instructional Resource Center hours are available on the IRC web site and news blog.
December 14, 2016
December 12, 2016
Returning Library Materials
Remember to return borrowed library materials, books, CDs, DVDs, IRC resources, and especially OhioLINK items, before leaving campus for winter break.
Returning after hours? A book drop is located by the library service entrance, near the UPS pick up. Please note, some IRC items (materials kits, big books) will not fit in the book drop and need to be returned during open hours.
Returning after hours? A book drop is located by the library service entrance, near the UPS pick up. Please note, some IRC items (materials kits, big books) will not fit in the book drop and need to be returned during open hours.
December 10, 2016
AU Library Extended Hours
AU Library's extended hour's schedule continues through Wednesday, December 14th providing study and work space for students during finals. A complete list of AU Library hours updates is available on the Library web site.
The Instructional Resource Center, library second floor, does not participate in extended hours. Color printing and IRC resources are not available during extended hours.
December 11th - 14th
Sunday, 12/11
2:00 pm to 2:00 am
Monday, 12/12 - Wednesday, 12/14
7:45 am to 2:00 am
The Instructional Resource Center, library second floor, does not participate in extended hours. Color printing and IRC resources are not available during extended hours.
December 9, 2016
They're Back! Therapy Dog Schedule
Monday, 12/12
9:00 am - 11:00 am
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday, 12/13
10:00 am - noon
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Wednesday, 12/14
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday, 12/15
10:00 am - noon
December 7, 2016
Quiet Study Spaces
Looking for a quiet space to study during finals?
The 3rd and 4th floors of AU Library are designated quiet spaces during extended hours and finals.
Interested in reserving a study room?
Stop at the circulation desk and reserve a study room on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th floor for a maximum of three hours. Please note, students using a previously reserved study room will be asked to vacate the room.
Already have a favorite library spot?
Create your own quiet space using the free (disposable) ear plugs available at the library circulation desk on the main floor and the IRC print station on the second floor.
The 3rd and 4th floors of AU Library are designated quiet spaces during extended hours and finals.
Interested in reserving a study room?
Stop at the circulation desk and reserve a study room on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th floor for a maximum of three hours. Please note, students using a previously reserved study room will be asked to vacate the room.
Already have a favorite library spot?
Create your own quiet space using the free (disposable) ear plugs available at the library circulation desk on the main floor and the IRC print station on the second floor.
December 6, 2016
December 2, 2016
AU Library Extended Hours
Monday, December 5th, AU Library will begin its extended hour's schedule opening at the regular time and remaining open until 2:00 a.m. providing study and work space for students during the last week of classes and finals.
December 5th - 10th
Monday, 12/5 - Thursday, 12/8
Friday, 12/9
Monday, 12/5 - Thursday, 12/8
7:45 am to 2:00 am
7:45 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday, 12/10
Noon to 4:00 pm
The Instructional Resource Center, library second floor, does not participate in library extended hours. Color printing and IRC resources are not available during AU Library extended hours.
December 1, 2016
Library Spotlight: Games on Reserve
Need a break? Want to play a board game with friends? AU Library has a few of your favorites on reserve and ready to use. Check out any of these games for three hour use in-library: Uno, Chess, Checkers, Twister, and Catan.
November 28, 2016
AU Library: Coming Soon!
It's almost time!
Monday, December 5th, AU Library will begin its extended hour's schedule opening at the regular time and remaining open until 2:00 a.m. providing study and work space for students during the last week of classes and finals.
November 18, 2016
Library Hours: Thanksgiving Break
AU Library Hours for Thanksgiving Break are noted below. A complete listing of library hours and updates is available on the library web site.
Coming soon! AU Library extended hours for finals begin on Monday, December 5th.
- Tues, November 22: 7:45 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
- Wed, November 23: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
- Thurs, November 24 - Sat, November 26: Closed
- Sun, November 27: 5:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m.
Coming soon! AU Library extended hours for finals begin on Monday, December 5th.
November 10, 2016
Journey of an OhioLINK Book
Are you thinking about items you may need to request before Thanksgiving break? Have you ever wondered how your OhioLINK request arrives at AU Library?
Thousands of OhioLINK requests (books, DVDs, CDs) travel between OhioLINK member libraries every day. Learn more about how requests are processed and arrive at their destination, watch Journey of an OhioLINK Book.
Thousands of OhioLINK requests (books, DVDs, CDs) travel between OhioLINK member libraries every day. Learn more about how requests are processed and arrive at their destination, watch Journey of an OhioLINK Book.
October 26, 2016
OhioLINK Maintenance October 26th
Various OhioLINK services will be down briefly tonight, Wednesday October 26th, between 8:00 p.m. and midnight. Affected services should be down no more than 15 minutes each.
OhioLINK Catalog,
OhioLINK web site
October 24, 2016
PBS: Hamilton's America
Did you see Hamilton's America? The PBS Great Performances documentary aired Friday, October 21st. The broadcast is available online through November 18th (embedded video removed 11/21).
If you are interested in Hamilton, the Musical, AU Library has the following collection resources available:
If you are interested in Hamilton, the Musical, AU Library has the following collection resources available:
October 20, 2016
Library Spotlight: New Books
New books are added to the library's collection throughout the academic year. When shelf ready, titles are featured in the new books area on library main floor. The following titles have been added to the library's main general collection.
Books are selected by AU librarians and subject to the library's collection development policy which includes faculty recommendations, requests, and professional reviews. If you have a purchase recommendation or request, contact your library liaison or email for more information.
- Transcultural Nursing: Assessment & Intervention
RT86.54.T73 2017 - Quicksand
PS3523.A7225 Q5 2017 - Autism Spectrum Disorders: Identification, Education, and Treatment
RJ506.A9 .A9223 2017 - Long Term Care in an Aging Society: Theory and Practice
RT120.L64 L66 2016 - Skills in Clinical Nursing
RT41.K723 2016 - The Defender: How the Legendary Black Newspaper Changed America
PN4899.C395 D55 2016 - Casing Sports Communication
GV567.5 .C37 2016 - Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends
HF5415.32.L5576 2016 - The Cambridge Companion to French Literature
PQ103.C25 2016 - Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul
E185.615.G548 2016 - Global Information Warfare: The New Digital Battlefield
U163.J66 2016
Books are selected by AU librarians and subject to the library's collection development policy which includes faculty recommendations, requests, and professional reviews. If you have a purchase recommendation or request, contact your library liaison or email for more information.
October 10, 2016
Hours Update: Fall Break
Ashland University Library hours for fall break are noted below. A complete listing of library hours and updates is available on our web site.
Regular fall hours resume on Monday, October 17th. Enjoy fall break!
- Thursday, October 13: 7:45 am to 7:00 pm
- Friday, October 14: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Saturday, October 15: Closed
- Sunday, October 16: 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Regular fall hours resume on Monday, October 17th. Enjoy fall break!
October 5, 2016
AU Library FAQs Knowledge Base

You have questions? We have answers.
AU Library FAQs, aka LibAnswers, is a searchable knowledge base providing quick answers to a variety of frequently asked questions about AU Library, Circulation & Reserves, the Instructional Resource Center, Interlibrary Loan, and Reference & Instruction.
How does it work? Type your question in the search box, it will auto-fill if a matching answer is available. If an answer does not display, use the Browse Our Answers tabs to review popular, recent, or select featured FAQs.
Browse Group FAQs: Does your question pertain to one of our groups? Select that group, for example Circulation & Reserves, from the Groups drop down menu located next to the search box.
Search all FAQs: Do you want to see what topics, keywords, and groups are available? Select All from the main page menu and search all the available FAQs. Use the limiters provided and narrow your search to specific topics or groups.
Submit a Q: If your question is not answered, contact information for each group including phone numbers, email, and IRC chat is available. You may also use the submit a question form and submit your query for review and inclusion in the knowledge base.
* Originally published 6/10/16
September 27, 2016
Update: Off Campus Authentication Resolved
Issues with off campus database authentication have been resolved. If you experience any residual problems with access, please contact the library by phone at 419.289.5400 (ext 5400 on campus) or email, Thanks again for your patience.
Off Campus Authentication
Due to recent updates to our circulation system, off-campus users may experience problems with library database authentication. We are aware of the problem and are working with tech support (ours and theirs) to resolve the matter and apologize for the inconvenience.
If you need help locating article citations, feel free to contact the reference staff via email at We encourage you to check back periodically for updates and access. Thank you for your patience.
If you need help locating article citations, feel free to contact the reference staff via email at We encourage you to check back periodically for updates and access. Thank you for your patience.
September 23, 2016
OhioLINK: Electronic Journal Center

If you have an existing EJC account, these resources provide help copying existing journals, articles, and searches to the new EJC.
Please be advised that the RSS feed subscription is functioning with Outlook, but not other subscription utilities and apps, such as Feedly. This issue will be addressed in a planned update. If you experience problems or need help with the new EJC, be sure to contact the library at x5400 or a reference librarian at x5402.
*Originally published 9/4/16.
September 21, 2016
Library Spotlight: Wireless aka Cloud Printing
AU Library is one of several places on campus offering wireless, or Google Cloud printing. Once printer set up is complete, work anywhere in the building and print from your laptop or mobile device to our print stations on the main floor.
We've collected a few FAQs to help you get started, scroll through the list and view items of interest. Visit AU Library FAQs for details and additional resources. And, as always, you can ask us for help.
Originally published on the IRC News Blog
- Cloud printing works with your Ashland University Google Account.
- Cloud printing is part of the AU print quota system.
- Cloud printing is possible from laptops and mobile devices.
We've collected a few FAQs to help you get started, scroll through the list and view items of interest. Visit AU Library FAQs for details and additional resources. And, as always, you can ask us for help.
Originally published on the IRC News Blog
September 13, 2016
Journey of an OhioLINK Book
Have you ever wondered how your OhioLINK request arrives at AU Library?
Thousands of OhioLINK requests (books, DVDs, CDs) travel between OhioLINK member libraries every day. Learn more about how requests are processed and arrive at their destination, watch Journey of an OhioLINK Book.
Thousands of OhioLINK requests (books, DVDs, CDs) travel between OhioLINK member libraries every day. Learn more about how requests are processed and arrive at their destination, watch Journey of an OhioLINK Book.
September 8, 2016
OhioLINK: Request Materials
Have you found something in the AU Library catalog only to learn it is checked out to someone else? Do you need a particular edition of a book we do not yet have? Is there a DVD you would like to view that is on reserve and cannot leave the library?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, be sure to check OhioLINK availability via the library catalog! The item you want may be available at another library and it can be delivered here, or to any other participating OhioLINK library location, for free.
Yes. Free.
AU Librarian's will be able to help you locate and request OhioLINK items. Our friendly circulation staff will guide you through the check-out process when your item arrives, provide information about due dates, and can help with renewals. Ask for help at the main desk, we'll take it from there.
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, be sure to check OhioLINK availability via the library catalog! The item you want may be available at another library and it can be delivered here, or to any other participating OhioLINK library location, for free.
Yes. Free.
AU Librarian's will be able to help you locate and request OhioLINK items. Our friendly circulation staff will guide you through the check-out process when your item arrives, provide information about due dates, and can help with renewals. Ask for help at the main desk, we'll take it from there.
September 6, 2016
AU Library Courtesy Notices

Remember, you may use the My Library Account link on the web site to view and renew books online and check status of requests. Questions? Stop at the circulation desk, AU Library main floor, for additional information.
September 1, 2016
Library Hours: Labor Day
AU Library Hours Update: Labor Day
- Saturday, September 3rd: Closed
- Sunday: September 4th: Closed
- Monday: September 5th: Open 6 pm to 11 pm
Regular fall hours resume on Tuesday, September 6th. A complete listing of AU Library hours updates including exceptions to regular operating hours, such as the Labor Day holiday weekend, is located on our web site.
August 30, 2016
Library Spotlight: Main Floor
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We now have a spacious, bright work area on the library main floor with comfortable seating, cafe tables, and group tables.
Where is this located? Enter AU Library through the main doors and turn right; you will see our computer and print stations, copy machines, and the faculty publication display. The area adjacent is our new work / study/ lounge area. We have great green views of Founders Hall and the sunlight pouring into the library is simply amazing.
Print Journals:
Recent issues of print journal collection are located on the east side of the main floor (facing Founders). Print journal stacks have been moved to the sixth floor.
Library 6th floor:
Student work areas remain on available on the 6th floor. Study areas are located on the north side of the building (facing College Avenue).
Ohio & Government Documents:
AU Library is a Federal Depository for government documents. Our Ohio and Government docs have been moved to the west side of the main floor, adjacent to the reference collection.
Welcome back to AU Library!
*Originally published on the IRC News Blog, Library Update: Main Floor.
August 28, 2016
AU Library Hours: Fall 2016
The library fall 2016 hours schedule begins Monday, August 29th. A complete listing of library hours updates including exceptions to regular operating hours, such as holidays and semester breaks, is located on the library web site.
- Monday - Thursday: 7:45 am to 11:00 pm
- Friday: 7:45 am to 5:00 pm
- Saturday: Noon to 4:00 pm
- Sunday: 2:00 pm to 11:00 pm
August 25, 2016
Library Spotlight: Welcome Anita Slack
Please join Ashland University Library in welcoming Anita Slack to the AU Community. Anita is a reference and instruction librarian and will be the library liaison for Art, Communication Studies, English, Foreign Languages, Journalism and Digital Media, and Theatre.
Anita comes to us from Ursuline College, where she served as a Reference & Instruction librarian for three years. In addition to her Masters of Library and Information Science, she also possesses a Bachelor and Master of Arts in English with a concentration in literature and writing. Prior to Ursuline, Anita was an Information Services Librarian at Vincennes University.
Anita is active in the Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) serving as an executive board member, communications editor, and the communications committee co-chair. She is a regular reviewer for Reference & User Services Quarterly. Her professional interests include information literacy instruction, information seeking behaviors, educational theory, and assessment of student learning. In her spare time, Anita is a voracious reader, sporadic writer, dabbler in music, and watcher of movies.
Anita’s office is located on the main floor of AU Library, stop in and say hello! Contact her via phone at 419-289-5427 (ext 5427 on campus) or email at
*This post was originally published June 27, 2016.
Anita comes to us from Ursuline College, where she served as a Reference & Instruction librarian for three years. In addition to her Masters of Library and Information Science, she also possesses a Bachelor and Master of Arts in English with a concentration in literature and writing. Prior to Ursuline, Anita was an Information Services Librarian at Vincennes University.
Anita is active in the Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) serving as an executive board member, communications editor, and the communications committee co-chair. She is a regular reviewer for Reference & User Services Quarterly. Her professional interests include information literacy instruction, information seeking behaviors, educational theory, and assessment of student learning. In her spare time, Anita is a voracious reader, sporadic writer, dabbler in music, and watcher of movies.
Anita’s office is located on the main floor of AU Library, stop in and say hello! Contact her via phone at 419-289-5427 (ext 5427 on campus) or email at
*This post was originally published June 27, 2016.
August 22, 2016
New First Floor Lounge Area
We have been busy over the summer creating a new lounge area on the main floor. Our summer student assistants, Joel, Macy, Taylor and Zula put in long hours deconstructing and reconstructing shelves and moving the paper journals to the 6th floor. Stop in and check out the new area, complete with comfortable seating, cafe tables, current-year periodicals, and plenty of electricity for your devices.
AU Library News,
Library Spotlight
August 16, 2016
ProQuest Scheduled Maintenance August 20th-21st
ProQuest databases will be down for maintenance from 10:00 p.m. Saturday, August 20th, until about 8:00 a.m. Sunday, August 21st. Affected databases include American Periodicals (1740-1940), ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, Safari Books Online, and The Wall Street Journal.
Electronic Books,
ProQuest Dissertations
Library Spotlight: Window Display
Have you seen the colorful new AU Library window displays? Presented by the Center for Academic Support and Ashland University Library, these clever and imaginative windows set just the right the tone for back-to-school. Special thanks to library student worker Zula Kile for her artistic contributions.
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August 11, 2016
August Hours Update
AU Library's August hours schedule begins Monday, August 15th.
August 15th to August 28th:
August 15th to August 28th:
- Monday - Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Exceptions to the summer hours schedule are detailed on the library web site.
August 4, 2016
OhioLINK: EJC Live

If you have an existing EJC account, these resources provide help copying existing journals, articles, and searches to the new EJC.
Please be advised that the RSS feed subscription is functioning with Outlook, but not other subscription utilities and apps, such as Feedly. This issue will be addressed in a planned update. If you experience problems or need help with the new EJC, be sure to contact the library at x5400 or a reference librarian at x5402.
August 2, 2016

An updated EJC, Electronic Journal Center, interface will launch Thursday morning, August 4th. Improvements to the database include "the addition of full text searching, PDF links included in the search results, improved faceting, the ability to export citations in a variety of formats, accurate representation of journal subscription gaps" (OhioLINK).
Questions? Contact the library (x5400) if you need help working with the new EJC.
July 18, 2016
OhioLINK Delays

Questions about your OhioLINK request? Call the library at ext. 5400, or ask for help at the main desk. My Library Account on the library web site to view may be used to renew books online and check status of OhioLINK requests.
July 15, 2016
AU Library: Solar Panels
Where are the solar panels? Are they being replaced? Are they damaged?
The solar panels located on the south side of AU Library have been temporarily removed to facilitate work being done this summer. Once progress on the south side of the building is complete, the panels will return.
July 12, 2016
Update: Overdue & Courtesy Notices

Remember, you may use My Library Account on the library web site to view and renew books online and check status of requests. Questions? Call library circulation at ext. 5400 or ask at the main desk, AU Library main floor, for additional information.
June 29, 2016
Update: OhioLINK EBC

OhioLINK: Electronic Book Center

June 27, 2016
Library Spotlight: Welcome Anita Slack
Please join Ashland University Library in welcoming Anita Slack to the AU Community. Anita is a reference and instruction librarian and will be the library liaison for Art, Communication Studies, English, Foreign Languages, Journalism and Digital Media, and Theatre.
Anita comes to us from Ursuline College, where she served as a Reference & Instruction librarian for three years. In addition to her Masters of Library and Information Science, she also possesses a Bachelor and Master of Arts in English with a concentration in literature and writing. Prior to Ursuline, Anita was an Information Services Librarian at Vincennes University.
Anita is active in the Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) serving as an executive board member, communications editor, and the communications committee co-chair. She is a regular reviewer for Reference & User Services Quarterly. Her professional interests include information literacy instruction, information seeking behaviors, educational theory, and assessment of student learning. In her spare time, Anita is a voracious reader, sporadic writer, dabbler in music, and watcher of movies.
Anita’s office is located on the main floor of AU Library, stop in and say hello! Contact her via phone at 419-289-5427 (ext 5427 on campus) or email at
Anita comes to us from Ursuline College, where she served as a Reference & Instruction librarian for three years. In addition to her Masters of Library and Information Science, she also possesses a Bachelor and Master of Arts in English with a concentration in literature and writing. Prior to Ursuline, Anita was an Information Services Librarian at Vincennes University.
Anita is active in the Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) serving as an executive board member, communications editor, and the communications committee co-chair. She is a regular reviewer for Reference & User Services Quarterly. Her professional interests include information literacy instruction, information seeking behaviors, educational theory, and assessment of student learning. In her spare time, Anita is a voracious reader, sporadic writer, dabbler in music, and watcher of movies.
Anita’s office is located on the main floor of AU Library, stop in and say hello! Contact her via phone at 419-289-5427 (ext 5427 on campus) or email at
June 24, 2016
AU Library: Facebook

News, information, updates, and library activities are a few of the things we feature. Comments (and likes) are always welcome.
June 22, 2016
Library Spotlight: New Books
New books are added to the library collection throughout the academic year. When shelf ready, titles are featured in the new books area on library main floor, near the computers and recreational reading. The following titles have been added to the library's main collection.
Books are selected by AU librarians and subject to the library's collection development policy which includes faculty recommendations and requests and professional reviews. If you have a purchase recommendation or request, contact your library liaison or email for more information.
- The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Philosophy
B808 .5 .B56 2015 - The Bloomsbury Companion to Hegel
B2948 .B625 2015 - The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East
D566 .R56 2015b - Europe on Trial: The Story of Collaboration, Resistance, and Retribution During World War II
D802 .E8 D43 2015 - The Fierce Urgency of Now: Lyndon Johnson, Congress, and the Battle for the Great Society
E846 .Z45 2015 - American Passage: The Communication Frontier in Early New England
F7 .G736 2015 - Business Cycle Economics: Understanding Recessions and Depressions from Boom to Bust
HB3711 .K627 2015 - Digital Citizenship in Schools: Nine Elements All Students Should Know
LB1028 .43.R52 2015 - Statsu
ND1059 .T3 A4 2015 - Between You & Me: Confessions of a Comma Queen
PE14580 .N67 2015 - The Cambridge Companion to French Literature
PQ103 .C25 2016 - Part of Our Lives: A People's History of the American Public Library
Z731 .W734 2015
Books are selected by AU librarians and subject to the library's collection development policy which includes faculty recommendations and requests and professional reviews. If you have a purchase recommendation or request, contact your library liaison or email for more information.
Update: OhioLINK Catalog & EJC

OhioLINK Catalog & EJC

AU Library's catalog is not effected by this outage.If you need help or have questions, please feel free to call AU Library at 419-248-5400 or ext 5400 on campus.
June 20, 2016
AU Library FAQs

You have questions? We have answers.
AU Library FAQs is a searchable knowledge base providing quick answers to a variety of frequently asked questions about AU Library (general), Circulation & Reserves (including OhioLINK), the Instructional Resource Center, Interlibrary Loan, and Reference & Instruction.
Getting Started: Type your question in the search box, it will auto-fill if a matching answer is available. If an answer does not display, use the Browse Our Answers tabs to review popular, recent, or select featured FAQs.
Browse Group FAQs: Does your question pertain to one of our groups? Select that group, for example Circulation & Reserves, from the Groups drop down menu located next to the search box.
Search all FAQs: Do you want to see what topics, keywords, and groups are available? Select All from the main page menu and search all the available FAQs. Use the limiters provided and narrow your search to specific topics or groups.
Submit a Q: If your question is not answered, contact information for each group including phone numbers, email, and IRC chat is available. You may also use the submit a question form and submit your query for review and inclusion in the knowledge base.
June 15, 2016
Library Circulation: Overdue & Courtesy Notices
Due to a Sierra system issue, overdue and courtesy notices for OhioLINK and AU Library items are currently not being sent / emailed. The problem has been reported to Innovative; updates will be posted as they become available. Thank you for your patience.
Remember, you may use My Library Account on the library web site to view and renew books online and check status of requests. Questions? Call library circulation at ext. 5400 or ask at the main desk, AU Library main floor, for additional information.
Remember, you may use My Library Account on the library web site to view and renew books online and check status of requests. Questions? Call library circulation at ext. 5400 or ask at the main desk, AU Library main floor, for additional information.
June 13, 2016
AU Library Text: Instant Answers

AU Library's Instant Answer service is a quick, convenient way to receive AU library hours and phone information from AU Library and the Instructional Resource Center. Instant Answers provides opportunity for you to text* us and have answers sent to your phone, tablet, or other mobile device.
Choose one these key* words:
- library hours - receive AU library hours
- library phone - receive AU library main and reference phone numbers
- IRC hours - receive IRC hours
- IRC phone - receive the IRC phone number
*Key words are not case sensitive. Standard messaging rates may apply for each text.
June 10, 2016
Library Spotlight: Collection Update DVDs
AU Library is continuing with our project to replace faculty requested and high-use VHS titles in our existing media collection in DVD or Blu-ray format. AU Library's DVD collection is located on the second floor, room 201. Having trouble finding a DVD? Ask in the IRC for help. The following DVDs have been added to the circulating collection.
If you have a purchase recommendation or request, contact your library liaison or email for more information.
- Key Largo
DVD 0994 - The Karate Kid
DVD 0995 - Stand and Deliver
DVD 0996 - A Town Like Alice
DVD 0997 - Ridicule
DVD 0998 - Sister Act 2
DVD 0999 - Is Paris Burning?
DVD 1000 - Seven Sinners
DVD 1001 - Jurassic Park
DVD 1002 - Golden Earrings
DVD 1003 - Pittsburgh
DVD 1004
If you have a purchase recommendation or request, contact your library liaison or email for more information.
June 9, 2016
IRC Pinterest
Are you following IRC @ Ashland University Library on Pinterest? Our boards feature Ellison Die collections, new books, book trailers, graphic novels, big books, alphabet books and so much more.
Visit IRC's profile on Pinterest.
Interested in summer reading? We have just the thing; check out our boards for Recreational Reading and Alex Award Winners.
Follow IRC's board Recreational Reading on Pinterest.
Interested in summer reading? We have just the thing; check out our boards for Recreational Reading and Alex Award Winners.
June 7, 2016
Library Spotlight: New Books
New books are added to the library collection throughout the academic year. When shelf ready, titles are featured in the new books area on library main floor, near the computers and recreational reading. The following titles have been added to the library's main collection.
Books are selected by AU librarians and subject to the library's collection development policy which includes faculty recommendations and requests and professional reviews. If you have a purchase recommendation or request, contact your library liaison or email for more information.
- Women in Christian Traditions
BV639.W7 M594 2015 - A Concise History of Japan
DS835.W335 2015 - Glaciers: The Politics of Ice
GB2405 .T35 2015 - The Devil is Here in These Hills: West Virginia's Coal Miners and Their Battle for Freedom
HD8039.M62 U6265 2015 - Before the Oath: How George W. Bush and Barack Obama Managed A Transfer of Power
JK516 .K85 2015 - A Constitutional History of the U.S. Supreme Court
KF8742 .R45 2015 - The Complexities of Early Instrumentation: Winds and Brass
ML455 -J47 2015 - A Brief History of Numbers
QA241 .C6945 2015 - Fossils: The Key to the Past
QE714.3 .F67 2015 - The Psychology of Overeating: Food and the Culture of Consumerism
RC552 .E18 C36 2015 - DDT Wars: Rescuing Our National Bird, Preventing Cancer, and Creating the Environmental Defense Fund
SB952 .D2 W87 2015 - Global Information Warfare: The New Digital Battlefield
U163 .J66 2016
Books are selected by AU librarians and subject to the library's collection development policy which includes faculty recommendations and requests and professional reviews. If you have a purchase recommendation or request, contact your library liaison or email for more information.
May 27, 2016
Library Hours: Memorial Day

- Saturday, May 28th: Closed
- Sunday, May 29th: Closed
- Monday, May 30th: Closed
AU library's summer hours schedule resumes on Tuesday, May 31st.
May 24, 2016
OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center Maintenance
The OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center will be unavailable for a short time Wednesday, May 25th, between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. A good reason to sleep in?
May 16, 2016
AU Library Summer Hours

May 16th - August 14th
- Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
- Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Instructional Resource Center summer hours are posted on the IRC web site.
May 14, 2016
May 10, 2016
Hours Update: After Finals
AU Library hours for after finals and graduation weekend are:
- Tuesday, May 10th: 7:45 am to 5 pm
- Wednesday, May 11th - Friday, May 13th: 8 am to 5 pm
- Saturday, May 14th: Closed
- Sunday, May 15th, Closed
Our summer hours schedule begins on Monday, May 16th. A complete listing of AU Library hours and updates is available on our website.
May 9, 2016
Therapy Dogs: There's Still Time
Did you miss the therapy dogs last week? No worries. They will be here this week, too!
- Monday, May 9th: 10 am to 11 am & 2 pm to 4 pm
- Tuesday, May 10th: 10 am to 11 am & 1 pm to 4 pm
Remember to tag your photos #DoggyTherapy .
May 6, 2016
Library Extended Hours
AU Library's extended hour's schedule continues through Monday, May 9th providing study and work space for students during finals. A complete list of AU Library hours updates is available on the Library web site.
The Instructional Resource Center, library second floor, does not participate in extended hours. Color printing and IRC resources are not available during extended hours.
May 8th - May 10th
Sunday, 5/8
2:00 pm to 2:00 am
Monday, 5/9
7:45 am to 2:00 am
Tuesday, 5/10
7:45 am to 5:00 pm
The Instructional Resource Center, library second floor, does not participate in extended hours. Color printing and IRC resources are not available during extended hours.
May 5, 2016
Returning Library Materials
Remember to return borrowed library materials, books, CDs, DVDs, IRC resources, and especially OhioLINK items, before leaving campus for summer break.
Returning after hours? There is a book drop located on the library ground floor, across from the Chapel, near the UPS pick up.
Returning after hours? There is a book drop located on the library ground floor, across from the Chapel, near the UPS pick up.
May 4, 2016
Finals Week: Quiet Spaces
Looking for a quiet space to study during finals?
AU Library has designated the 3rd and 4th floors as quiet spaces during extended hours and finals week, May 1st - May 10th.
Interested in reserving a study room?
Stop at the circulation desk and reserve a study room on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th floor for a maximum of three hours. Please note, students using a previously reserved study room will be asked to vacate the room.
Already have a favorite library spot?
Create your own quiet space using the free (disposable) ear plugs available at the library circulation desk on the main floor and the IRC print station on the second floor.
AU Library has designated the 3rd and 4th floors as quiet spaces during extended hours and finals week, May 1st - May 10th.
Interested in reserving a study room?
Stop at the circulation desk and reserve a study room on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th floor for a maximum of three hours. Please note, students using a previously reserved study room will be asked to vacate the room.
Already have a favorite library spot?
Create your own quiet space using the free (disposable) ear plugs available at the library circulation desk on the main floor and the IRC print station on the second floor.
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