- Monday - Thursday: 7:45 am to Midnight
- Friday: 7:45 am to 5:00 pm
- Saturday: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Sunday: 1:00 pm to Midnight
Thank you for your continued patience.
Thank you for your continued patience.
This login is a component of the new university web site, it allows users to personalize their web site experience. Select the login option to view the User Account page; enter your AU Username and corresponding password and log in.
After login, you will be directed to the tab and information best suited for your needs. Students will see the Current Students tab and Faculty & Staff their information page. Remember, the library is a direct link below online resources for current students!
If you are using a public access computer, feel free to log out after you have finished. On your personal computer, it will generally remember your login. Keep in mind, this particular login option is for the web site, not library databases. Off campus users will continue to authenticate using traditional means.
Remember, access to research databases using Journals A to Z, LibGuides, and the library's Databases by Title web page is fully restored for users on and off campus.
Looking for an e-book? We recommend starting with the E-book web page. Remember, access to OhioLINK's electronic book collection is possible from the AU library catalog and the library's E-Books web page.
Thank you for your continued patience.
Thank you for your continued patience. We are working diligently to submit help tickets necessary for corrections and appreciate everyone who has contacted us regarding problems with the site.
We hope to be able to rectify this problem once access to content is released back to the library. Remember, chat options are available throughout LibGuides.
In addition to LibGuides, other applications may be effected. Please note the updated information displayed below:
Thank you for your continued patience. We are working diligently to correct errors and appreciate everyone who has contacted us regarding problems with the site.
A rendition of our previous web site is available @ http://www.ashland.edu/library/index.html.
"All services should be up and working properly. If you have problems with any of the OhioLINK services, please report them to support@ohiolink.edu"-- Saturday, 9:49 pm
"ALL OhioLINK systems will be offline on Saturday, October 3rd from approximately 4 a.m. to 8 p.m. (or after depending on when the work is completed). We are working on putting a redirect message on a machine outside the OSU facility that will display a message to anyone trying to connect to one of OhioLINK's services. That should be in place for Saturday's downtime." -- Anita Cook, OhioLINK