The library, included in Ashland University's Closed for the Holiday schedule, will be closed Saturday, December 20th through January 4, 2009.
Wishing you and yours a blessed and safe holiday season; Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
December 17, 2008
Library Hours: Winter Break
December 16, 2008
Library Spotlight: New Books
Here are a few recent additions to the library circulating collection:

- Abraham Lincoln: Great American Historians on our Sixteenth President
E457.2.A1445 2008 - The Business of Sports, v. 1-3
GV716.B89 2008 - A Dismal Science: How Thinking Like an Economist Undermines Community
HB724.M37 2008 - Handbook of Organizational Development
HD58.8.H3612 2008 - Social Marketing: Influencing Behaviors for Good
HF5414.K67 2008 - One Nation Under Debt: Hamilton, Jefferson, and the History of What We Owe
HJ8106.W75 2008 - Grand Theft Childhood: The Surprising Truth About Violent Video Games
and What Parents Can Do
HQ784.V53 K88 2008 - Economic Inequality and Higher Education: Access, Persistence, and Success
LC67.62.E254 2007 - Happy Families
PQ7297.F793 T5813 2008 - Ecology of Insects: Concepts and Applications
QL496.4.S66 2008
December 15, 2008
Library Hours
Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
The library is included in Ashland University's Closed for the Holidays and will be closed December 22, 2008, to January 4, 2009.
December 11, 2008
Spotlight: Reserves for Spring!

All reserves materials are processed on a first in, first out basis. Additionally, please allow at least five working days for materials to appear on your electronic reserve course page.
More information on reserves may be found on the library Reserve Policy page. Interested in E-Res?
Forms for electronic reserves are available in word and PDF:
Each item placed on reserve should have an accompanying form.
Please direct any questions concerning electronic reserves to E-Res Manager and Acting Head of Circulation, Judi Humphrey at x5400.
December 10, 2008
Extended Hours End Today

Library holiday break hours begin Thursday morning, 12/11, at 8:00 am.
New Reference Books
- The 50 States
E180.A15 2007 - The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales
GR74.G73 2008 - Encyclopedia of Forensic Science
HV8073.B425 2008 - Gender and Educaiton: An Encyclopedia
LC213.G425 2007 - Encyclopedia of the Solar System
QB501.E53 2007
December 8, 2008
Extended Hours end Wednesday (12/10)
Monday- 7:45 am to 2:00 am
Tuesday - 7:45 am to 2:00 am
Wednesday - 7:45 am to 2:00 am
Thursday - 8:00 am to 5 pm
Friday - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Reference assistance is not available during extended hours and these hours do not apply to the Instructional Resource Center.
AU Library wishes everyone success on final exams!
December 2, 2008
November 24, 2008
OhioLINK: Saturday, 11/29
Just a reminder as everyone goes off for your Thanksgiving holiday, all of OhioLINK central systems will be offline on Saturday, November 29, from 7 a.m. to hopefully no later than 4 p.m. This includes the central web server, the EJC, the EBC, the Central Catalog, the DMC and DRC, ETD, and the OSearch Databases. If you have direct links to databases at vendor sites such as EBSCO or OCLC, you should still be able to access those sites. - Anita Cook, OhioLINK
November 20, 2008
Extended Library Hours Are Here!
Open until 2:00 a.m.
Week of November 24th:
Sunday & Monday, 7:45 am to 2:00 am
Week of November 30th:
Sunday through Thursday, 7:45 am to 2:00 am
Week of December 7th:
Sunday thorough Wednesday, 7:45 am to 2:00 am
Please note that reference assistance will not be available during these hours. Extended hours do not apply to the Instructional Resource Center.
AU Library wishes everyone success on the end of year studies and exams.
Library Notices Go Green!

Here are four ways to keep track of what you have checked out of the Library:
- Look for the due date stamped on each item you have checked out. If you renew an item, write the new due date on your date due slip.
- Check your AU e-mail account for library notices. If you rely primarily on a different e-mail account, set your AU account to forward messages automatically.
- Check your library record online! On the library web site choose “My Library Account” from Quick Links.
- Call or visit the library and ask us to check your account. We are always happy to assist you renewing items and determining when they are due.
November 19, 2008
OhioLINK Service
"We are having problems with our SAN (storage array network) and it has caused two machines to go offline, the central web server and the MetaLib machine. We are assessing the problem and hope it will be fixed within the hour."
Thank you for your patience.
11/20/08 Update:
Systems were back online at 9:30 pm.
November 17, 2008
Database Issues
Thank you for your patience.
Please feel free to contact the library if you have any problems accessing databases from off campus.
November 15, 2008
Off Campus Database Use
If you are working from off campus, we recommend you access databases through OhioLINK:
Off Campus Database Use
Please feel free to contact the library if you continue to have problems logging in from off campus.
November 14, 2008
Off Campus Database Use
If you are working from off campus, we recommend you access databases through OhioLINK:
November 13, 2008
OhioLINK Service: November 29th
Ashland University Library will be open regular hours Sunday, November 30th for anyone needing assistance with database research and usage.Anita Cook: OhioLINK
We will be moving all of the central site hardware to the OSU Computing Center power (with backup generator -- something we have never had) on November 29th, the Saturday after Thanksgiving. To give the electricians the most time to work on this and to prevent any possible mishaps, we have decided to take all the systems offline while this is happening. This includes the Central Catalog, the central web server, central databases, EJC, and EBC. If you have direct links to services outside of OhioLINK such as Ebsco, these should work. OLINKS and the RAVE urls will also not be working.
We will begin the work around 7 a.m. and it should be completed no later than 4 p.m. and possibly earlier.
November 10, 2008
New Library Web Site
At this time we are working on updating library templates for existing external server applications such as LibGuides (banner links do not work), ERes (old library header still exists), and Journals A to Z. Each application works, but there are a few issues with links returning to the new library web site.
Thank you for your patience as these problems are rectified.
New Library Web Site
We do not anticipate any interruption in service; however, if you have problems accessing databases and/or the library catalog from the web site, please use the OhioLINK web site.
Thank you for your patience. We are looking forward to presenting our new streamlined library web site to the university community.
November 3, 2008
News: Library Web site

If you find broken links on your personal web pages, online course documents or Angel course management pages please feel free contact Diane Schrecker, library web administrator at for help locating and linking to your favorite pages.
October 31, 2008
A Halloween Classic

Read a copy of, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow online, from Encyclopedia Britannica and have a Happy Halloween!
Find this book and more Halloween stories at the AU Library:
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
PZ7.I68 Le 2007
Special collections CB 536
City of Masks : A Cree Black Thriller
PS3558.E284 C54 2003
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
PZ8.1 .S399 Sc 1981
Halloween Through Twenty Centuries
GT4965 .L4
October 28, 2008
Library Spotlight: New Books
- Understanding Privacy
BF637.P74 S65 2008 - The Faithful: A History of Catholics in America
BX1406.3 .O79 2008 - The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict
DS79.76.S698 2008 - One Man's America: The Pleasures and Provocations of our Singular Nation
E169.1.W4895 2008 - The Anti-intellectual Presidency: The Decline of Presidential Rhetoric from George Washington to George W. Bush
E176.1.L457 2008 - April 4, 1968: martin Luther King, Jr's Death and How it Changed America
E185.97.K5 D95 2008
Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers?
HC79.C6 B353 2008 - Touching History: The Untold Story of the Drama That Unfolded in the Skies over America on 9/11
HV6432.7.S687 2008 - Forensics Under Fire: Are Bad Science and Dueling Experts Corrupting
Criminal Justice?
HV8073.F522 2008 - The Jossey-Bass Reader on the Brain and Learning
QP408.J67 2008
Data Driven: Profiting from your Most Important Business Asset
T58.64.R43 2008 - The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It
TK5105.875.I57 Z53 2008
October 16, 2008
New from OhioLINK
"We have released a new version of the OhioLINK Member Libraries page with upgraded functionality based on Google maps. It still provides access to a list of the Member Libraries and their contact information.
For those who may not be familiar with Google maps functionality, here are some helpful tips from Thomas, who developed this new version:
For those of you whose campuses are right next to another school (especially if the other school comes later in the alphabet), and your marker is largely covered up, there are several ways to navigate the map to get to your school. First and simplest, click the name of your school in the alphabetical list. The Google Maps software also provides several ways to zoom in and out: the "+" and "-" icons on the left side of the map, plus the gradients in between them; you can also double-click any spot on the map (except for markers, where you'll just open and close the information window); and if your mouse has a scroll wheel, that will also zoom in and out. Additionally clicking on one of the view by region links will help you zoom to a close up of a region,making it easier to spot schools that are clustered closely together.
Contact information becomes visible when you click on a marker for a given school. There are two tabs - one containing the links to institution URLS and the second tab labelled Contact Us, containing the contact information which you have provided.
A link to the text-only version remains available from the revised page."
Interested? Choose Ashland University from the menu to view:

It is possible to zoom in and out of the Google map with relative ease and view street names surrounding the library and campus. From the information balloon, "links" includes links to the library web site, library catalog, and the main Ashland University web site and "contact us" provides email, phone, and chat information for the library. A nice one stop way to find OhioLINK member libraries.
Don't forget, if you prefer the previous version of this page it continues to be available in text-only format.
October 1, 2008
OhioLINK Service: October 4th
From Anita Cook @ OhioLINK:
Saturday, October 4, between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m., OhioLINK will be migrating our power source. This (process) will support our equipment through any type of downtime including the one that happened recently where parts of Columbus were without power for days.
During this time, the Central Catalog, the Webserver, DMC and DRC servers, and the Ebooks should remain online. The EJC and the OSearch databases will see some significant downtime though we hope to keep thatas minimal as possible.
Update: 10/2/08
Announced late this afternoon, server maintenance has been cancelled. There should be no interruption of service on Saturday.
September 24, 2008
Library Spotlight: Theses & Dissertations
Dissertation Abstracts (ProQuest)
Provides access to citations of more than one million dissertations and master’s theses. This resource is updated monthly.
OhioLINK ETD Center
"The ETD Center is a free, online database of Ohio’s masters and doctoral theses and dissertations from participating OhioLINK member schools. It contains the abstract for all included theses and dissertations. The full-text is also available if it was submitted." (OhioLINK ETD FAQ's)
WorldWide ETD
"A Global index of freely available electronic theses and dissertations, provided by major ETD collections around the world. This index lets you search for information about each ETD (“metadata,” including authors, titles, and abstracts). It does not search the full text of the ETDs.(OhioLINK WW ETD)
Ashland University doctoral theses and dissertations are available in the library catalog. Additionally, Ashland University Rowe Practicums are part of the ciruclating collection. Rowe Practicums and AU Doctoral Dissertations are located on the second floor of the library.
September 23, 2008
NCEE: What Works Clearinghouse Reports
For more information, or to sign up for IES News Flash email alerts, visit IES.The National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance has released two What Works Clearinghouse reports. The first, "Reducing Behavior Problems in the Elementary School Classroom", is a practice guide offering five concrete recommendations for helping elementary school general education teachers reduce the frequency of the most common types of behavior problems encountered among students. The second, "Dropout Prevention Topic Report", summarizes the Clearinghouse's dropout prevention intervention reports prepared through September 2008.
IES Newsflash Subscription 9/23/08
September 19, 2008
OhioLINK Welcome's New Students
"Download electronic articles instantly
Get the articles you need for your paper or read entire journals, newspapers and magazines online, anytime. Choose from 140 research databases to find articles in a specific subject area, or try Quick Search @ OhioLINK to find articles from multiple sources easily. With more than 12,000 journals and millions of articles, odds are you'll find what you need.
Enhance projects with images, videos and sounds
You don't need a passport to view works of art from museums around the globe, a DVD player to watch educational films and documentaries, or a time machine to view historical documents. With a quick visit to OhioLINK's Digital Media Center, you can find thousands of electronic images, sounds and videos to use in papers, presentations or to enhance your learning.
Paper panic? Try a Quick Search
Find articles for class or resources for your paper quickly. Quick Search @ OhioLINK saves time by searching multiple resources simultaneously. It provides reliable, library-quality results that are appropriate for class and research.
Find the perfect thesis or dissertation topic
Get topic ideas, see what peers have written in your discipline, or find a particular theses or dissertation via the Electronic Theses & Dissertations Center. The ETD Center contains 16,000 theses and dissertations from students at participating Ohio colleges and universities.Get the books you need in 2-3 days
Can't find the book you need at your library? OhioLINK it! Use the OhioLINK Library Catalog to find and request library materials online and pick them up at any participating library you choose in two to three days. With more than 47.4 million books and library materials to choose from, you're likely to find what you need. Renew books online via your library's Web site and keep them for up to 15 weeks (unless another user has requested them).
Find answers anytime with e-books
OhioLINK's growing collection of 38,000 e-books cover a wide variety of subjects and include encyclopedias, dictionaries and other reference works (for tracking down a quick fact or illustration); scholarly books; and computer and technology titles (for in-depth, how-to books and technology tips)."
Research help is but a phone call, email, chat message away when you contact the library reference desk! If you have questions about your OhioLINK books, the circulation desk is ready to help with answers to the your books status in the system, due date, and renewals.
September 12, 2008
Library Spotlight: New Books

What about new reference books? New reference titles are located on the new book shelf on the other side of the pole.
Here is an overview of a few recent additions to the library collection:
- A Companion to Plato
B395.C64 2006 - Native Americans in Comic Books: A Critical Study
E99.H77 S54 2008 - Making Time: Essays on the Nature of Los Angeles
F869.L85 F695 2007 - Evolution and Empathy: The Genetic Factor in the Rise of Humanism
GN289 .B74 2008 - The Worldwide History of Dress
GT511.A63 2007 - Warrior Girls: Protecting Our Daughters Against the Injury Epidemic in Women's Sports
GV709.S64 2008 - Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It
HD93493M542 R69 2008 - Children's Literature: A Reader's History, From Aesop to Harry Potter
PN1009.A1 L49 2008 - Particle or Wave: The Evolution of the Concept of Matter in Modern Physics
QC171.2 .A53 2008
What about new children's books? A set of new book shelves is located on the library second floor and features new additions to the juvenile collection. The Instructional Resource Center Blog routinely provides information regarding new additions to the IRC, juvenile, and education collections.
Need more? New recreational books are highlighted on a new book shelf next to the exit doors by the library patio.
September 11, 2008
Library Resources: September 11, 2001
- 09/11 8:48 AM: Documenting America's Greatest Tragedy
HV6432 .N56 2001x - 9-11
HV6432.7.C48 2002 - The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
HV6432.7 .N39 2004b - Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror
HV6432.C53 - American Ground: Unbuilding the World Trade Center
HV6432.L364 2003 - The Spirit of Terrorism and Requiem for the Twin Towers
HV6432.B38 2002 - Last Man Down: A Firefighter's Story of Survuval and Escape from the World Trade Center
HV6432.P5 2002 - Out of the Blue: The Story of September 11, 2001, from Jihad to Ground Zero
HV6432.B47 2002 - September 11, 2001: A Collection of Newspaper Front Pages
HV6432.S458 2001
For more information, see these catalog subject headings:
- September 11 Terrorist Attacks 2001
- September 11 Terrorist Attacks 2001 Anniversaries Etc
- September 11 Terrorist Attacks 2001 Economic Aspects
- September 11 Terrorist Attacks 2001 Juvenile Fiction
- September 11 Terrorist Attacks 2001 Juvenile Literature
- September 11 Terrorist Attacks 2001 Pictorial Works
- September 11 Terrorist Attacks 2001 Psychological Aspects
Please note that Ashland University Library is a Government Depository Library and "as a depository library, Ashland selects government documents useful in research for our library patrons'" Government documents on this topic are available.
September 3, 2008
Library Spotlight: Ebsco A to Z
Using Journals A to Z:"EBSCO A-to-Z® is a locator tool listing all of a library's e-resources, including e-journals, titles in full-text databases, publisher packages and e-books. EBSCO A-to-Z can include print titles and other local resources you choose to upload."
- If AU Library has online access to the journal, you will see a link to the appropriate online database(s).
- Journals A-Z can also be searched by subject to identify journals on a subject.
For more information, visit the library's Journals A to Z information page.
September 2, 2008
Library Spotlight: Finding Help
In Person: Come to the library! Help is available at the circulation and reference desks.
Ask Us! IM: The Library Instant Message (IM) services with Ask Us. Use this service to ask us basic research questions from any computer with Internet access. Ask Us is available during regular reference desk hours.
By Phone: Contact the library by phone. For information about AU library circulation and OhioLINK, call ext. 5400 (419-289-5400). For reference assistance, call ext. 5402 (419-289-5402).
By Email: Email the reference staff with questions at Librarians will usually reply within 48 hours.
Off campus: Make an appointment for a research consultation by calling the Reference Desk at 1-800-882-1548 (toll free Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm). Ask for the Reference Desk, extension 5402.
Seminary Students: Librarians at Ashland Theological Seminary are available for help. Contact the Seminary directly at 419-289-5169. If using the Seminary toll free number 1-866-287-6446, ask for ext 5169.
More information is available on the library web page; How to Find Help in the Library.
August 28, 2008
Library Hours: Labor Day Weekend
- Friday, August 29th: Close 4 pm
- Saturday, August 30: Library Closed
- Sunday, August 31st: Library Closed
- Monday, September 1: Open 6 pm - Midnight
Regular hours resume on Tuesday, September 2nd. Enjoy the holiday weekend!
August 27, 2008
Library Spotlight: Reserves
Electronic Reserves - ERes
AU library electronic reserve materials may include articles in Microsoft Word of PDF, class syllabus information, and even powerpoint presentations given in class. Docutek is capable of handling Microsoft Office documents (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel), PDF, audio and video clips as well as pictures (jpeg, gif).
Paper Reserves - Library Catalog
Paper, or hard copy reserves include books, videos, DVD's, manipulatives, and/or audio materials selected by your instructor to enhance course curriculum. Audio and video items placed on reserve may be listened to and viewed in the listening lab, room 201 (top of the stairs), library second floor.
Where are reserve materials located in the library?
Paper reserves are available at the library reserves desk located on the library main floor near the printers and copy stations (turn right upon entering the library). Materials placed on reserve by professors are listed in the AU Catalog by Instructor’s Name and by Course.
How long may I keep reserve materials?
The length of time a reserve item may be kept is chosen by the course instructor. One-hour and three-hour reserves must be read in the library; one-day and longer reserves may be taken out of the building.
More information about reserves is available on the library web page; How to Locate Reserves.
August 24, 2008
Library Hours: 2008-2009

- Monday through Thursday
7:45 am to Midnight - Friday
7:45 am to 6:00 pm - Saturday
10:00 am to 5:00 pm - Sunday
1:00 pm to Midnight
Changes to regular operating hours, including semester breaks and extend hours during finals, are posted on the library web page.
Instructional Resource Center hours are located on the IRC web page.
August 21, 2008
Faculty College Rewind
As we start this new academic year, we would like to remind faculty that the AU Library offers services to support full-time and adjunct faculty at the main campus and the off-campus centers. Each academic department is assigned a faculty librarian. The library liaison is your contact to request the purchase of books or other materials for the library collection. The Reference and Instruction Librarians are also happy to provide library instruction to any class, whether on the main campus or at an off-campus center. These library sessions can be tailored to meet your objectives for a particular course or assignment, or to introduce your students to library resources. For information on scheduling a library session or to discuss the collection with your library liaison please call us at x5402 or stop in.
In addition the AU Library supports teaching by providing Course Reserves, both in print and electronic. You may place course related readings, videos or items on reserve at the library for your students to use.
Why should you use E-Reserves?When it comes to research the AU Library subscribes to over 200 research databases. A number of new databases have recently been added, these include but are not limited to, CQ Researcher, Biography Reference Bank, Science Online, Scientific American Archive Online, Nature, World Book Web, Mental Measurements Yearbook, Tests in Print, Philosopher’s Index and Christian Periodical Index.
10) Students aren’t forced to compete for limited copies of reserve materials, nor are they hindered by time restrictions.
9) Materials may be used by more than one student at a time.
8) The Electronic Reserves are never closed! It’s online and available anytime of the day.
7) The Electronic Reserves are user friendly. Links, documents and audiovisuals are available at any computer from a single access point.
6) More feedback for you! We can generate printable statistics on the use of course materials.
5) Electronic Reserve materials cannot be lost or stolen.
4) No muss, no fuss. Just provide the library with a clean, single-sided copy of print materials. We create the digitized copies and link them to your course reserves.
3) You can request that certain items be accessible for certain periods of time. At the
end of the semester all materials are withdrawn from view, but will be archived
electronically for future use.
2) Distance learners now have access to the same materials as on-campus students.
1) No more excuses from students! See above reasons.
Over 60 of our databases are provided by EBSCO which recently launched their new interface EBSCO 2.0 (view a sample using Academic Search Complete). Some of the new features include a more basic search screen, images, mouse over abstracts, Smart Text Searching which allows users to copy and paste an entire page of text into a search field, RSS feeds and the ability to copy a persistent link to the article. For more information on our new databases or for tips and tricks for searching our databases don’t hesitate to ask.
AU Library 2.0 offers two new features this year.
- Ask Us! Students or faculty can send an instant message to the librarian on duty and receive instant library assistance. From the library webpage click on the Help page to chat with a librarian. We will do our best to answer all questions, however students and faculty that visit us in person receive priority.
- Libguides, these are new subject specific research guides. Each subject area will have its own online guide that includes new or featured books, reference books, recommended databases, and librarian evaluated websites. Many guides also feature podcasts, news feeds and videos. These guides are a great starting place for students to begin their research. You can access these guides from our webpage under Internet Resources, Subject Guides. Look for these new guides to begin replacing the current guides this semester.
For additional information please contact us: Reference Desk Ext. 5402 or e-mail
Article submitted by: Sara Klink
August 6, 2008
ERIC Unveils New Look: Expanded Coverage
We’re pleased to announce two recent advances in ERIC of interest to librarians and all ERIC users: the addition of more than 130 new comprehensively indexed journals, and release of a redesigned and enhanced Web site. Users can now search a richer collection of education-focused literature while taking advantage of improvements that speed information discovery on the public ERIC Web site. In addition, a newarea just for librarians includes useful information for patron support and collection maintenance.
New Journals in ERIC
As of June 30, 2008, ERIC has added more than 3,600 new records from newly acquired journals. Work is underway to increase coverage even further by seeking additional partnerships with publishers of both journal and non-journal literature. New journals are indexed from 2004 forward, exceptfor titles indexed prior to ERIC’s 2004 transition to an all-electronicservice. Once recent titles have been acquired and indexed, ERIC willacquire 2002-2003 electronic back issues of previously indexed titles toprevent gaps in journal coverage.
Redesigned Web Site
ERIC released a redesigned Web site on August 3. Highlights include:
A major restructuring features clearer, more intuitive paths to information, making the site easier to use. A completely new and expanded Help section that includes brief tutorials, a glossary, and a searchable index. Help tools have been integrated into the ERIC Web site. “How do I” links and help tips on key fields and features provide direct access to information that helps you take advantage of ERIC’s robust search tools and submit documents. A new section, "For Librarians", consolidates information of interest to the library community into a single location. This area includes flyers, brochures, lists of ERIC microfiche, links to frequently used help topics, and other relevant information, including ways to provide feedback about ERIC. Lighter visual design, so pages load faster and new graphics refresh the site while retaining ERIC’s look and feel.For more information about ERIC’s new journals and the redesigned site (including a detailed list of what’s changed), see the rotating featuresarea on the home page of the ERIC Web site. - August 6, 2008
This information has been cross-posted on the Instructional Resource Center News and Information Blog.
August 2, 2008
Library Summer Hours Update
- Monday through Friday - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Saturday - Closed
- Sunday - Closed
Please refer to the Library Summer Hours on the Library website for further information.
August 1, 2008
OhioLINK Remote Authentication
"Next week is a big week here at OhioLINK. On Tuesday, August 5, we will make significant changes to OhioLINK’s remote authentication system. This work should only take a day; however, complications are always a possibility. While the changes are being implemented, OhioLINK's services may be intermittent and remote authentication and proxy will be unavailable. The central catalog will not be affected and users can still access OhioLINK resources while on campus and through the libraries' proxies."
- August 1, 2008
For more OhioLINK news and information, visit the OhioLINK What's New page.
July 15, 2008
EBSCOhost 2.0 now available

"EBSCOhost 2.0. Based upon results gathered from extensive user testing, EBSCOhost 2.0 offers a clean new look and feel, for a technologically sophisticated, yet familiar search experience, with the built-in flexibility to provide individual user customization options. " - EBSCOhost
July 10, 2008
New Database added in July 08
Faculty are encouraged to use the persistent URL's in this database to link to the required reading section of their online courses.
Connect to: Scientific American Archive Online
July 3, 2008
Library Hours: July 4th
July 1, 2008
Database Changes July 2008
What’s Changing?
- Biography Reference Bank will replace American National Biography. Biography Reference Bank provides biographical information on approximately half a million people, from antiquity to the present, along with thousands of images.
- Consumer Health Complete (an EBSCOhost database) provides convenient access to easily understandable health and medical information including medical encyclopedias, popular reference books and magazine articles.
- Science Online will replace AccessScience. Science Online presents a broad range of scientific disciplines through extensive definitions, essays, diagrams, biographies, and experiments.
- World Book Web (includes World Book Dictionary, World Book Atlas, World Book Advanced, World Book Kids, and Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos) will replace Encyclopaedia Britannica Online, Encyclopaedia Britannica School Edition and Enciclopedia Universal en Español. World Book Web is a suite of online research tools that delivers encyclopedia articles, primary source collections, educator tools, student activities, pictures, audio, and video, complemented by current periodicals and related Web sites.
June 18, 2008
EBSCOhost 2.0

"EBSCOhost 2.0. Based upon results gathered from extensive user testing, EBSCOhost 2.0 offers a clean new look and feel, for a technologically sophisticated, yet familiar search experience, with the built-in flexibility to provide individual user customization options. EBSCOhost 2.0 will become available to all customers in July 2008." - EBSCOhost
Visit the EBSCOhost web site for a preview of new search screens, results list, and bibliographic functions.
New Reference Books
- Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare
HV40.C635 2008 Vol. 1-4 - The Oxford Dictionary of American Art and Artists
N6505.M59 2007 - The Art of William Steig
NC1429.S583 A4 2007 - Encyclopedia of Film Noir
PN1995.9.F54 N39 2007
June 17, 2008
Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities
- Business Directories: Accounting, Economics & Finance, Management, Marketing, and Business College Set
- Education Directories: Education Curriculum & Methods, Educational Psychology & Administration, Educational Technology & Library Sciences, and Education Set
- Psychology Directory: Psychology & Psychiatry
Please note, authentication is required for access to this database.