February 5, 2025

AI Student Workshop Series

Practical & Responsible Use of AI 

This inaugural GenAI student workshop series is a collaborative project presented by the Instructional Resource Center, Writing and Communication Center, and Archer Library. 

In this series of workshops, students will learn about the benefits and pitfalls of employing generative AI, or GenAI. While GenAI can be a great tool, it is critical to have a foundational understanding of the topic to be discussed in order ensure the information provided by the generators is indeed accurate and pertinent to your project. 

Finally, this workshop will further your understanding of Ashland University’s official policy on the use of AI and will offer insights from a professor that both employs AI and lectures about the practical and appropriate employment of AI on assignments and projects. 

Registration is Open!

February 12, 2025 

March 12, 2025 

April 9, 2025 

February 3, 2025

IBISWorld: Webinar

IBISWorld: Webinar
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

IBISWorld Overview
Joe Mazur, IBISWorld Senior client Relationship Manager, will review the content available with Archer Library's IBISWorld membership. This webinar will include recent enhancements and features to the database. Best practices and insights regarding use of IBISWorld that may even go beyond the current use-case scenarios at Ashland University, will be featured.  There will be time for active conversation throughout the session and time for questions.

Join us to learn more about how IBISWorld can be used for research and information. Event flyers are available on the registration page.

This is an online event, registration is required. Event URLs will be sent via registration email. Register online @ https://ashland.libcal.com/event/14093287

Contact us if you have questions about this event: library@ashland.edu