March 30, 2021
March 17, 2021
Library Resources Update - IBISWorld Database
IBISWorld Database has been added back to the AU Library resources! We are happy to have this significant resource back for our faculty and students to use in their research. IBISWorld was a resource previously held by the Library, but was discontinued in Summer 2020 due to budget cuts.

IBISWorld offers users industry profiles with key data on more than 700 U.S. industries, arranged by NAICS code. It can be searched by NAICS code, industry, Company, and keyword. Each report is about 25- 30 pages and covers Industry definitions, Industry performance, Key statistics, Jargon and glossary, and other information.
It is live and ready to use for your research needs. The best place to find it is through the Library's A to Z Database guide. (https://libguides.ashland.
If you have any questions or want to learn more about library resources, you can always reach out to the Reference Librarians via chat, on the homepage, email at, or call (419.289.5402).
March 4, 2021
Library Spotlight: Alex Awards
New Recreational Reading
The following titles have been recognized as 2021 Alex Award winners; they have have been added to the library's recreational reading collection. You will find them shelved in the new books display or in their regular location on AU Library main floor.
"The Alex Awards are given to ten books written for adults that have special appeal to young adults, ages 12 through 18. The winning titles are selected from the previous year's publishing. The Alex Awards were first given annually beginning in 1998 and became an official ALA award in 2002." - Alex Awards, YALSA
- Impossible First: From Fire to Ice-Crossing Antarctica Alone
G850 2018 .O27 2020 - Kent State: Four Dead in Ohio
PN6727.D466 K46 2020 - Only Good Indians: A Novel
PS3560. O5395 O55 2020 - Riot Baby
PS3615.N93 R56 2020