A full listing of library hours and updates are posted on the website.
When authenticating, you will see the following screens. Be sure to select Ashland University from the Institution drop box and use your seven digit AU id# (without the au- prefix) to finish the process.
Institution Selection (Ashland University)
Authentication Form: Use 7 Digit AU ID#
A complete listing of databases by title is available on the library web site. Don't forget, user authentication is required for access to database resources from off-campus.
Regular hours resume at 7:45 am on Monday, January 10, 2011. We hope to see you soon.
Elsevier Purchase Expands OhioLINK Journal Offerings by 3.4 Million Articles
"Ohio’s college students and researchers will now have access to more than 3.4 million additional articles from Elsevier, a highly regarded publisher in the fields of science and engineering with titles including “The Lancet” and “Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine.” Though OhioLINK member libraries have had access to nearly 2,400 Elsevier journals previously, this collection includes historic back-files, allowing Ohio’s academic community to search for and cite past works and knowledge." -- OhioLINK What's New, 12/22/10