December 17, 2010
Library Hours: Winter Break

December 16, 2010
Spotlight: The Chronicle

The first in a series of spotlight posts featuring library resources, The Chronicle of Higher Education. One of the premier links on the library database by title page and immediately accessible using the Database by Title search on the main library page (keyword: Chronicle), The Chronicle is "No. 1 source of news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators."
"Based in Washington, D.C., The Chronicle has more than 70 full-time writers and editors, as well as 17 foreign correspondents around the world."
"Online, The Chronicle is published every weekday and is the top destination for news, advice, and jobs for people in academe. The Chronicle's Web site features the complete contents of the latest issue; daily news and advice columns; thousands of current job listings; an archive of previously published content; vibrant discussion forums; and career-building tools such as online CV management, salary databases, and more."
"The Chronicle's audited Web-site traffic is routinely more than 12 million pages a month, seen by more than one million unique visitors." -- About the Chronicle
The Chronicle of Higher Education is also accessible through several library databases including Academic Search Complete (full text 1999 - present, one month embargo), Education Research Complete (full text 1999 - present, one month embargo) and LexisNexis Academic (1997 - present, one month embargo).
December 15, 2010
OhioLINK Catalog
With the approval of the Library Advisory Council, as well as reviews by the ICS, DMS and USC committee, the refreshed interface for the OhioLINK Central Catalog has been released today for general use.
The changes to the catalog are concentrated on the look and feel of the interface. No changes have been made to the indexing or fundamental functions of the catalog. -- Zoe Stewart-Marshall, OhioLINK, Assistant Director, User Services Development

December 10, 2010
December 9, 2010
Library Hours: After Finals

We will be closed Saturday (12/11) and Sunday (12/12). Please visit the library web site for a complete list of hours.
December 4, 2010
Library Extended Hours Continue
Library extended hours continue through Wednesday, December 8th; the library opens at the regular time and remains open until 2:00 a.m. providing study and work space for interested students. A complete extended hours calendar is available on the library hours page:
Sunday, December 5th
1:00 pm to 2:00 am
Monday, December 6th - Wednesday, December 8th
7:45 am to 2:00 am
November 29, 2010
Library Open House
November 28, 2010
Library Extended Hours
Monday, November 29th - Thursday, December 2nd
7:45 am to 2:00 am
Sunday, December 5th
1:00 pm to 2:00 am
Monday, December 6th - Wednesday, December 8th
7:45 am to 2:00 am
Extended hours do not apply to the Instructional Resource Center (IRC), library second floor. Color printing will not be available during extended hours. Ashland University Library wishes everyone success on the end of year studies and exams.
November 22, 2010
Library Hours: Thanksgiving Break
November 4, 2010
OCLC First Search Maintenance
November 1, 2010
LexisNexis Scheduled Maintenance
October 26, 2010
Science Information Searching
The federal government’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information has created three search engines to assist the science researcher in locating timely information.
- SCIENCE accelerator provides searching for the 12 OSTI databases as well as DOE data.
- Science.gov searches 42 databases and over 2,000 selected web sites from 18 scientific and technical organizations from 14 federal agencies.
- The World Wide Science Organization provides a search on 76 databases from 65 countries and international organizations.
For help searching these databases, contact the Documents Department in the library at 5410 or Janice Marotta at jmarotta@ashland.edu.
October 20, 2010
Library Spotlight: New Books
Books have been selected by AU librarians and are subject to the library's collection development policy which includes professional reviews and faculty recommendations. Contact your library liaison for more information or submit a suggestion via the library catalog.
Recent additions to the collection include:
- Hindsight: The Promise and Peril of Looking Backward
BF378.H54 F74 2010 - Faces of America: How 12 Extraordinary People Discovered Their Pasts
CS49.G38 2010 - Country Driving: A Journey Through China From Farm to Factory
DS712.H457 2010 - Why Organizations Struggle So Hard to Improve So Little: Overcoming Organizational Immaturity
HD58.8.K588 2010 - A New Brand of Business: Charles Coolidge Parlin, Curtis Publishing Company, and the Origins of Market Research
HF5415.2.W29 2010 - Abortion
HQ767.2.A26 2010 - The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
HB9950.A437 2010 - Bringing Reading Research to Life
LB1050.6.B75 2010 - Free for All: Fixing School Food in America
LB3479.U6 P55 2010 - Morning Miracle: Inside the Washington Post: A Great Newspaper Fights for Its Life
PN4899.W31 W346 2010 - Island Beneath the Sea: A Novel
PQ8098.1.L54 I78 2010 - White Coat, Black Hat: Adventures on the Dark Side
R724.E385 2010
The Instructional Resource Center Blog routinely provides information regarding new additions to the IRC, juvenile, and education collections.
October 17, 2010
OhioLINK Authentication
October 6, 2010
Update: Entrance Change
- Enter and exit the library using the patio doors.
- Enter the library using the main exit doors, leave via the patio doors.
Thank you for your continued patience.
October 4, 2010
Update: Walkway & Sidewalk
Work continues on the sidewalk and walkway outside the library. Last week concrete was poured on the exit-door side of the main library entrance. For safety reasons, rotating closures remain in place for the main entrance and exit doors. We recommend:
- Enter and exit the library using the patio doors.
- Enter the library using the main doors, exit the patio doors.
Thank you for your continued patience.
September 28, 2010
Banned Books Week 2010

The Office For Intellectual Freedom created a video for their YouTube channel that features the Top Ten Banned and Challenged Books of 2009 and reasons for challenges and bans. Included in the top ten list are classics; The Chocolate War, The Color Purple, The Catcher in Rye, and To Kill a Mocking Bird; and children and young adult titles; The Earth, My Butt, And Other Big Round Things, And Tango Makes Three, and Twilight.
"Banned Books Week (BBW) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment. Held during the last week of September, Banned Books Week highlights the benefits of free and open access to information while drawing attention to the harms of censorship by spotlighting actual or attempted bannings of books across the United States." - ALABanned Books Week
For more information: Internet Resources
- ALA Banned Books Week: Celebrating the Freedom to Read
- ALA Frequently Challenged Books
- ALA Banned and Challenged Classics
- OIF Blog
- Huffington Post: 10 Graphic Novels And The Shocking Reasons They Frequently Come Under Fire
- Banned Books Week 2010: Which Books Drew the Most Fire Last Year?
- Banned Books Week: Ten Flashlight Worthy Books People Most Wanted Banned
- Banned Books Week 2010: 15 Iconic Movies Based on Banned Books
- 10 Banned Books You Might Not Expect
- Banned Books Week: Q & A How Books Get Banned
For More Information: AU Library collection
- Robert Cormier: Banned, Challenged and Censored
PS3553.O653 Z615 2008 - Teaching Banned Books: 12 Guides for Young Readers
Z1019 .S33 2001 - Places I Never Meant to Be: Original Stories by Censored Writers
PZ5 .P6635 1999 - Art Speigelman: Conversations
NC1429.S5687 A35 2007
Visit the IRC News blog for a different look at Banned Books Week provided by The Puppet Book Banners.
September 27, 2010
Update: Library Walkway & Sidewalk
Demolition continues on the sidewalk and walkway outside the library main entrance. In order to safely remove concrete up to the library display windows, there will be rotating closures for the main entrance and exit doors.
- Enter and exit the library using the patio doors.
- Enter the library using the main doors, exit the patio doors.
Weather permitting, plans are in place to pour new concrete the end of this week. Thank you for your continued patience.
September 24, 2010
IRC Hours Update
Color printing, laminating, the Ellison Machine, and other services offered inside the IRC will not be available. We will re-open on Monday following regular hours.
Need to color print? There is a color printer available in Patterson.
IRC News: Big Books

Not anymore! Each big book has been placed in large hanging media bag and the entire big book collection relocated next to the book kits. Hanging bags will make it easier to transport big books to and from the library and provide protection for the book during inclement weather.

Looking for a specific big book? Call numbers are located at the top left / bottom left side next to the spine of each book. The collection now has added functionality and browse-ability. Stop in and see the new big book area the next time you are in the library.
September 22, 2010
Library Walkway & Sidewalk
September 19, 2010
LIC: Accent on Success
The following Accent on Success sessions scheduled are scheduled this week.
Monday, September 20th
- Walters (Section A) 8:00 am
- Herin (Section D) Noon
- Moretz (Section O) 9:00 am
- McDonald (Section X) 6:30 pm
- Brohm (Nursing) 2:00 pm
- Brohm (Nursing) 3:00 pm
Tuesday, September 21st
- Metzger (Section C) 9:25 am
- Stofer (Section H) 3:00 pm
- Rosler (Section K) 12:15 pm
- Kaskey (Section N) 10:50 am
- Ajwa (Section R) 1:40 pm
- Gorrecki (Section XX) 6:30 pm
Wednesday, September 22nd
- Broda (Section F) 2:00 pm
- Kaufman (Section G) 3:00 pm
- Villareal (Section I) 11:00 am
- Harkness (Section J) Noon
- Garlock (Section M) 10:00 am
- Fox (Section Q) 1:00 pm
Thursday, September 23rd
- Walley (Section E) 8:00 am
- Aune (Section L) 12:15 pm
- Stratton (Section P) 9:25 am
Friday, September 24th
- Heimann (Section B) Noon
Library instruction sessions for Accent on Success are conducted by AU reference librarians Craig Gable (cgable@ashland.edu), Jeff Pinkham (jpinkham@ashland.edu), and Kathryn Venditti (kvenditt@ashland.edu).
September 12, 2010
LIC: Accent on Success
The following Accent on Success sessions scheduled are scheduled this week.
Monday, September 13th
- Walters (Section A) 8:00 am
- Herin (Section D) Noon
- Moretz (Section O) 9:00 am
- McDonald (Section X) 6:30 pm
- Brohm (Nursing) 2:00 pm
- Brohm (Nursing) 3:00 pm
Tuesday, September 14th
- Metzger (Section C) 9:25 am
- Stofer (Section H) 3:05 pm
- Rosler (Section K) 12:15 pm
- Kaskey (Section N) 10:50 am
- Ajwa (Section R) 1:40 pm
- Gorrecki (Section XX) 6:30 pm
Wednesday, September 15th
- Heimann (Section B) Noon
- Broda (Section F) 2:00 pm
- Kaufman (Section G) 3:00 pm
- Villareal (Section I) 11:00 am
- Garlock (Section M) 10:00 am
- Fox (Section Q) 1:00 pm
Thursday, September 16th
- Walley (Section E) 8:00 am
- Aune (Section L) 12:15 pm
- Stratton (Section P) 9:25 am
Friday, September 17th
- Harkness (Section J) Noon
Library instruction sessions for Accent on Success are conducted by AU reference librarians Craig Gable (cgable@ashland.edu), Jeff Pinkham (jpinkham@ashland.edu), and Kathryn Venditti (kvenditt@ashland.edu).
September 9, 2010
Library Spotlight: Juvenile Books

- Ship Breaker
PZ7.B1335 Sh 2010 - The Secret to Lying
PZ7.M6957 Sec 2010 - Legacies
PZ7.L13543 Le 2010 - Take Me There
PZ7.D3508 Tak 2010 - Change of Heart
PZ7.M4458 Ch 2010 - Heart of a Samurai: Based on the True Story of Nakahama Manjjiro
PZ7.P9243 He 2010 - The Deadly Sister
PZ7.S3784 De 2010 - The Fat BoyChronicles: Inspired by a True Story
PZ7.L264 Fat 2010 - Wicked Girls: A Novel of the Salem Witch Trial
PZ7.5.H44 Wi 2010 - Freak Magnet
PZ7.A9194 Fr 2010 - The View From the Top
PZ7.F8493 Vie 2010 - The Summer of Moonlight
PZ7.H31363 Su 2010 - The Lighter Side of Life and Death
PZ7.M3648 Lig 2010
The Instructional Resource Center Blog routinely provides information regarding new additions to the IRC, juvenile, and education collections.
September 3, 2010
Library Hours: Labor Day

Following the University Labor Day holiday schedule, the library is open regular hours this weekend: Saturday (9/4) from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Sunday (9/5) 1:00 pm to midnight, and Monday (9/5) 7:45 am to midnight. Updates to regular hours are posted on the library web site. IRC hours updates on available the IRC web site and IRC news blog.
August 31, 2010
Library Spotlight: New Books
- Predictable Success: Getting Your Organization on the Growth Track - and Keeping it There
HD58.8.M35 2010 - The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company that is Connecting the World
HD9696.8.U64 F335 2010 - Advertising Creative: Strategy, Copy + Design
FH5823 .A758 2010 - Women's Rights
HQ1236.W65265 2010 - The Computer Lab Teacher's Survival Guide: K-6 Units for the Whole Year
LB1028.43.P673 2010 - Culture and Child Development in the Early Childhood Programs: Practices for Quality Education and Care
LB1139.25.H68 2010 - Academic Language/Literacy Strategies for Adolescents: A "How To" Manual for Educators
LB1632.A23 2010 - Literacy and Power
LC158.S6 J36 2010 - Light Fantastic: The Art and Design of Stage Lighting
PN2091.E4 K45 2010
August 30, 2010
Update: Database Access
Thank you for your patience.
August 29, 2010
Bradford Network: Problems on-campus
We recommend you access databases through the OhioLINK web site.
This may or may not be a result of the new Bradford Network system. View the IT FAQ brochure to learn more. Please note the following update for returning students using the old Bradford Network system:
ATTENTION RETURNING STUDENTS: BEFORE you connect your computer to our network using wired OR wireless, you MUST UNINSTALL the Bradford Persistent Agent.-- IT FAQ Page
Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this problem.
August 27, 2010
Library Hours

The 2010 - 2011 fall hours schedule started Monday and the library is open Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday 1:00 pm to midnight. Updates to regular hours are posted on the library web site. IRC hours updates on available the IRC web site and IRC news blog.
August 20, 2010
August 17, 2010
ISI Database Maintenance
August 10, 2010
Planned Network Maintenance
"The Internet Service Provider for Ashland University will be performing network maintenance on Tuesday, August 10, from 11:59 p.m. to 5 a.m. This outage will affect ALL internet connectivity including campus access to the Internet, and off-campus access to campus online resources such as ANGEL, WebAdvisor and the University campus website. Email will not be accessible during this time."
It will not be possible to get to library online resources or to order books through OhioLINK during the network maintenance period.
August 6, 2010
LexisNexis Academic's New Interface
IRC Hours Update

A complete IRC hours calendar is available on the IRC web site.
August 3, 2010
Campus Wide Power Outage Scheduled
"On Thursday, August 5, there will be a scheduled campus wide power outage from 10 p.m. to 12 midnight for Ohio Edison service on the main substation. All campus buildings except the senior apartments will be without electricity (designated emergency power circuits in Kettering Sciences will run off the generator). In addition, all phone and information technology services (email, Angel, Internet access, etc.) will also be unavailable starting at 9 p.m. and will be back online early Friday morning following restoration of power." -8/3/10
The entire campus network system will be unavailable during this time. Systems affected include, but are not limited to, Angel, WebAdvisor, Exchange Email, Internet access, network printing, network file systems, Kronos, Datatel/Colleague, and Cbord.
July 27, 2010
Library Summer Hours
July 31st - August 22nd
Monday through Friday - 8 am to 5 pm
Instructional Resource Center hours and updates are posted on the IRC web site.
July 26, 2010
OhioLINK: Databases by Title

AU Library's Database by Title page is not affected by this problem.
Update 9:45 am - Access to Databases by Name or Title has been restored
July 16, 2010
Library Spotlight: New Books
All titles have been selected by AU librarians and are subject to the library's collection development policy which includes professional reviews and recommendations by faculty members.
Recent additions to the circulating collection include:
- Guide to Business Planning
HD30.28.F747 2009 - Brands and Branding
HD69.B7 B733 2009 - The Oxford Handbook of Business Ethics
HF5387.O95 2010 - Achieving Anew: How New Immigrants Do in American Schools, Jobs, and Neighborhoods
JV6465 .W45 2009 - Natures Patterns: A Tapestry in Three Parts
Q172.5.C45 B35 2009 (3 vols) - Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology
R726.7.H366 2010 (oversized)
Interested in recommending a book for the collection? Contact your library liaison for more information or submit a suggestion via the library catalog.
July 15, 2010
Library Spotlight: New Reference Books
All titles have been selected by AU librarians and are subject to the library's collection development policy which includes professional reviews and recommendations by faculty members.
Recent additions to the reference collection include:
- Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion
BL65.P7 E53 2007 (2 vols) - Archaeology in America: An Encyclopedia
E159.5.A68 2009 (4 vol set) - Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices
HM1121.C85 2010 (2 vol set) - Encyclopedia of American Disability History
HV1553.E523 2009 (3 vol set) - The Complete Learning Disabilities Directory
LC4704.6.C66 2010 (16th ed.)
July 14, 2010
Library Spotlight: New Books
Recent additions to the collection include:
- Reading in the Brain: The Science and Evolution of a Human Invention
BF456.R2 D36 2009 - The Psychology of Happiness: A Good Human Life
BF575.H2 F685 2010 - The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt
CT275.V23 S85 2009 - The M-Factor: How the Millenial Generation is Rocking the Workplace
HF5549.L2858 2010 - Mommy Angst: Motherhood in American Popular
HQ759.M848 2009 - Imprisonment
HV8705.I47 2010 - The Practical (and fun) Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools
LC4019.B84 2010 - Life Along the Inner Coast: A Naturalist's Guide to the Sounds, Inlets, Rivers, and Intracoastal Waterway from Norfolk to Key West
QH104.5.A84 L57 2009 - Animal Evolution: Genomes, Fossils, and Trees
QH366.2.A53 2009 - The Other Brain: From Dementia to Schizophrenia, How New Discoveries About the Brain are Revolutionizing Medicine and Science
QP376.F46 2010
Interested in recommending a book for the collection? Contact your library liaison for more information or submit a suggestion via the library catalog.
July 13, 2010
July 9, 2010
OhioLINK: Quicksearch Update
How long will it be before Quicksearch is running again?
In spite of several attempts to restore the service we must wait for specialized assistance from our software vendor in Israel to resolve the problem. At this time we do not anticipate that the Quicksearch service will be available again before the end of day Monday 7/12.
Update: "At this time we do not anticipate that the Quicksearch service will be fully available again before the mid-day Tuesday 7/13."
July 8, 2010
OhioLINK: QuickSearch Update
What is happening with Quicksearch?
Over the holiday weekend, the database connected to Quicksearch stopped working and OARnet was unable to restart it. OARnet staff determined the issue nvolved Ex Libris software. With help from Ex Libris, the Israel-based company that supports Quicksearch, functionality was restored on Sunday. However, on Wednesday morning, the server that hosts the database failed, causing problems with other connected software. OARnet is working closely with Ex Libris to repair the problems. The two incidents at this time do not appear to be related.
How long will it be before Quicksearch is running again?
The process for restoring service is underway. OARNet will begin to work directly with Ex Libris beginning at 1 a.m. Thursday, July 8th. It is estimated that the restoration period will completed within 24 hours. OARnet will provide a progress update at mid-day July 8th.
Where else can you find information for your research?
If you are looking for journal articles you might want to try searching in the lectronic Journal Center or Academic Search Complete. You can find ebooks by searching theElectronic Book Center.
Where can you find updates?
OhioLINK is posting updates about the situation in a number of places:
Posted by Zoe Stewart-Marshall at July 7, 2010 07:43 PM
July 7, 2010
OhioLINK: QuickSearch

"Quicksearch (and Article Search) is currently down. We thank you for your patience as our system engineers work to resolve the problem."
All other
OhioLINK services remain available.
July 6, 2010
Circulation: Loan Policy
- Books circulate for 3 weeks (21 days)
- Book may be renewed 4 times
Ashland University faculty may arrange for an extended circulation period for Ashland University Library materials. Please note that extended faculty loans are subject to recall.
IRC Update: Library 2nd floor
We are thrilled to report no damage was sustained by any of the second floor's education, curriculum, or juvenile collections. However, as we await repairs to the unit, it will be very warm on the second floor.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
July 1, 2010
Library Hours: July 4th Weekend
In observance of Independence Day, Ashland University Library will have the following hours:
- Friday, July 2nd: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Saturday, July 3rd: Library Closed
- Sunday, July 4th: Library Closed
- Monday, July 5th: Library Closed
Regular summer hours resume on Tuesday, July 6th.
June 30, 2010
OhioLINK Catalog Maintenance
June 4, 2010
Library Spotlight: C.G. Jung's Red Book
Ashland University Library has recently acquired a facsimile edition of the "Red Book" by C.G. Jung, who contributed to the Psycho-Analytic movement an exploration of symbols and the collective unconscious. The 205-page original was carefully hand-lettered by Jung in the style of an illuminated medieval manuscript, including lavish illustrations by the author. The facsimile is accompanied by an annotated English translation of the German and Latin original.
This summer the Library of Congress will exhibit the original work, with a public symposium on June 19th.
June 3, 2010
Library Spotlight: Ohio Resource Center
E-publications are presented by grade level, K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12, and detail a variety of resources including podcasts, lessons, and activities covering the oil spill, it's environmental impact, clean up, and response."Current events present us with unique learning opportunities. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico gives us a chance to connect what budding scientists are learning in the classroom to the world. We've pulled together a set of materials that can be used to examine the oil spill through a variety of lenses. - ORC*ON, The Ohio Resource Center
*Originally published on IRC News Blog.
May 26, 2010
Library Hours: Memorial Day

Friday, May 28th: Close at 4:00 pm
Saturday, May 29th: Library Closed
Sunday, May 30th: Library Closed
Monday, May 31st: Library Closed
Regular summer hours will resume on Tuesday, June 1st.
May 19, 2010
Library Resources Unavailable Wednesday
after 9:00 pm
All resources should be fully functional by early Thursday morning.
May 17, 2010
Library Spotlight: New Books
- Civil Religion in Political Thought: Its Perennial Questions and Enduring Relevance in North America
BL98.5.C58 2010 - Booth
E457.5.C65 2010 - The Story of Stuff: How Our Obsession with Stuff is Trashing the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health -- and a Vision for Change
GN406.L46 2010 - Sport and Public Policy: Social, Political, and Economic Perspectives
GV716.S584 2010 - Willie Mays: the Life, the Legend
GV865.M38 H57 2010 - Green Gone Wrong: How Our Economy is Undermining the Environmental Revolution
HC79.E5 R6312 2010 - Spark: How Old-Fashioned Values Drive a Twenty-First Century Corporation: Lessons from Lincoln Electric's Unique Guaranteed Employment Program
HD9697.W434 L565 2010 - The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice are Undermining Education
LA217.2.R38 2010 - Teaching Reading in Small Groups: Differentiated Instruction for Building Strategic, Independent Readers
LB1573.S454 2010 - Theodor Seuss Geisel
PS3513.E2 Z794 2010 - Virginia Hamilton: Speeches, Essays, and Conversations
PS3558.A444 Z46 2010 - Coming Climate Crisis? Consider the Past, Beware the Big FixQC981.8.C5 P377 2010
May 14, 2010
OhioLINK: Facebook Status
OhioLINK Are you concerned about your privacy on Facebook? Why or why not? Check out this visual representation of the available
privacy settings: NYT Facebook Privacy
Interested? Consider the accompanying article, The Price of Facebook Privacy? Start Clicking , for additional information about privacy and the new 'opt out' settings recently instituted on Facebook.
"Pop quiz: Which is longer, the United States Constitution or Facebook’s Privacy Policy?"
"If you guessed the latter, you’re right. Facebook’s Privacy Policy is 5,830 words long; the United States Constitution, without any of its amendments, is a concise 4,543 words." -- Nick Bilton, The Price of Facebook Privacy, NYT, 5/12/10
May 9, 2010
Library Summer Hours 2010

Friday - 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday - 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday - Closed
Instructional Resource Center hours and updates are posted on the IRC web site.
May 6, 2010
Library Hours: End of term
Summer hours begin Monday, May 10th.
May 1, 2010
Library Extended Hours

A complete extended hours calendar is available on the library web page.
April 30, 2010
Library Spotlight: New Books
- The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama
E 908.R46 2010 - Spark: How Old-Fashioned Values Drive a Twenty-First Century Corporation: Lessons from Lincoln Electric's Unique Guaranteed Employment Program
HD 9697.W434 L565 2010 - Ad Women: How They Impact What We Need, Want, and Buy
HF 5813.U6 S54 2009 - Winning the Loser's Game: Timeless Strategies for Successful Investing
HG 4521.E484 2010 - I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World
HQ 777.E57 2010 - Comprehension & Collaboration: Inquiry Circles in Action
LB 1027.23.H37 2009 - American Abstract and Figurative Expressionism: Style is Timely Art is Timeless: An Illustrated Survey with Artists' Statements, Artwork and Biographies
ND 212.5.A25 A43 2009 - The Routledge Companion to Semiotics
P 99.R643 2010 - Fiction Across Borders: Imagining the Lives of Others in Late Twentieth-Century Novels
PS 153.M56 B62 2010 - Point Omega: A Novel
PS 3554.E4425 P65 2010
Interested in recommending a book for the collection? Contact your library liaison for more information or submit a suggestion via the library catalog.
April 29, 2010
OhioLINK: Facebook status
Did you know? Approximately 600,000 users downloaded 4.5 million articles last year from OhioLINK's Electronic Journal Center!

April 28, 2010
OhioLINK: Problems with EBC

From OhioLINK: Our apologies for the interruption in service and we are working to get this resolved as soon as possible.
Additional electronic book, or or e-book, resources are available on the library web site including:
April 24, 2010
Library Extend Hours Begin

A complete extended hours calendar is available on the library web site.
Week of April 25th
Sunday, April 25th 1:00 pm - 2:00 am
Monday, April 26th - Thursday, April 29th 7:45 am - 2:00 am
Week of May 2nd
Sunday, May 2nd 1:00 pm - 2:00 am
Monday, May 3rd - Wednesday, May 5th 7:45 am - 2:00 am
Extended hours do not apply to the Instructional Resource Center (IRC), library second floor. Color printing and IRC materials and supplies are not be available during extended hours. Ashland University Library wishes everyone success on the end of year studies and exams.
April 23, 2010
OhioLINK Catalog Maintenance
What's New: 21st Century Learning Skills
21st Century Learning Skills Summit
Named as a “leadership state” with the national Partnership for 21st Century Skills, the state of Ohio has made a commitment to transform the public education system, improve the college readiness of students and build a globally competitive labor force. To kick off this commitment, an Ohio Summit on 21st Century Learning Skills will be held on May 4 at the Crown Plaza Hotel Columbus North at 6500 Doubletree Ave. in Columbus. This Summit is co-hosted by Ashland University and the Ohio Department of Education. More information is available at http://bit.ly/94uFYF. -- AU News
April 22, 2010
Library Spotlight: Earth Day 2010
Earth Day 2010 - 40 Years of Environmental Learning
1970-2010: 40 YearsThe UB Libraries presents a CyberExhibit (originally curated in 2000 on the 30th anniversary of Earth Day) commemorating the anniversary of Earth Day, which includes: a brief history of Earth Day, a listing of selected international, national, state, local, and campus Internet resources, and other materials. A special feature on education is added for the 40th Anniversary with expanded resources for kids,and teachers/educators in formal K-12 and non-formal (nature centers, museums, parks, camps, zoos, etc.) settings. -- University at Buffalo Libraries
April 6, 2010
Ronk Lecture Hall: Denise Fleming
Ashland University to Host Children’s Author & Illustrator
Ashland University will host professional children's author and illustrator Denise Fleming on Tuesday, April 6, at 10 a.m. in the Ronk Lecture Hall in the Dwight Schar College of Education. Fleming’s presentation is free and open to the public, however seating is limited. Fleming has written and illustrated 14 picture books. In 1994, her book, “In a Small, Small Pond,” was awarded a Caldecott Honor Award, which is the highest honor in children's literature. There will be a book signing after the presentation. Fleming's visit to Ashland University is part of the Guest Author Lecture Series, which is supported by a donation from the Hire Family Foundation and sponsored by the Early Childhood Department at Ashland University.
April 5, 2010
EBSCO's Enhanced PDF Viewer
If you have trouble viewing PDF articles in an EBSCO database, contact the AU Reference desk at library@ashland.edu or 419-289-5402.
March 31, 2010
Library Hours: Easter Break
- Thursday, April 1st - Close 4:00 pm
- Friday, April 2nd - Closed
- Saturday, April 3rd - Closed
- Easter Sunday, April 4th - Closed
Regular hours resume at 7:45 am on Monday, April 5th. Have a safe and joyous Easter Break.
March 30, 2010
Library Spotlight: Census Day
Featured Video: From Inkwell to Internet
The History of the U.S. Census
More information about the Census is available on the U.S. Census Bureau History site. Be sure to visit the Census display in the library basement, directly across from the elevators.
-- submitted by Karin Hootman
March 24, 2010
OhioLINK EJC and Databases
Author Visit: Denise Fleming
AU to Host Children’s Author and Illustrator"Ashland University will host professional children's author and illustrator Denise Fleming on Tuesday, April 6, at 10 a.m. in the Ronk Lecture Hall in the Dwight Schar College of Education. Fleming’s presentation is free and open to the public, however seating is limited. Fleming has written and illustrated 14 picture books. In 1994, her book, “In a Small, Small Pond,” was awarded a Caldecott Honor Award, which is the highest honor in children's literature. There will be a book signing after the presentation. Fleming's visit to Ashland University is part of the Guest Author Lecture Series, which is supported by a donation from the Hire Family Foundation and sponsored by the Early Childhood Department at Ashland University." -- AU News 3/20/10
Interested in books by Denise Fleming? The library juvenile collection includes Buster Goes to Cowboy Camp, The Cow Who Clucked, Alphabet Under Construction, perennial favorite Barnyard Banter and Caldecott Honor Award winner In the Small, Small, Pond.
Click here to view a complete listing of Denise Fleming titles in the library catalog.
-- Originally posted on IRC News Blog 3/23/10
March 22, 2010
Problem Resolved: OhioLINK EJC & OSearch
"The remaining issues in this problem have now been resolved. If you encounter EJC or OSearch problems, please be sure to report them to your library."
"Thanks, and sorry again for the inconvenience."
Update: OhioLINK EJC & OSearch
"The EJC and all OSearch databases should now all be available for use (as always, if you still see problems, please clear your browser cache and try again before reporting them)." "Searching on EJC (which includes OLinks-to-EJC linking) is not back up yet, and OARnet is still on the case. "
OhioLINK EJC & OSearch Down
"As of 8:00am Monday, the EJC is unavailable for users, as are all OSearch databases *except* for PsycINFO, Historical PsycINFO, ERIC, and BIOSIS. We have an urgent ticket open with our systems group to restore access ASAP, and will post updates as needed. Our apologies for the inconvenience."
March 5, 2010
Library Hours: Spring Break
- Saturday 3/6 & Sunday 3/7 - Closed
- Monday 3/8 through Friday 3/12 - 8 am to 5 pm
- Saturday 3/13 - Closed
Have a safe and happy Spring Break!
March 4, 2010
Library Spotlight: Renewing Your Books

Located with Quick Links on the library home page, choose My Library Account and enter your name and university ID to view your current record. Information regarding items checked out to you, including OhioLINK and AU library titles, due dates, and holds is presented. When renewing, be sure to verify renewals are accepted and make note of the new due date displayed after the renewal is accepted.
As always, you can call the circulation desk and renew books over the phone.
Refer to the AU Library Circulation Policies page for additional information regarding loan periods, fines, renewals, holds and recalls, overdue notices, and OhioLINK returns and pick up.
March 1, 2010
LexisNexis Scheduled Maintenance
February 24, 2010
Library Notices via Email
When managing your library account, don't forget:
- Due dates are stamped on all items at check out.
- Patrons remain responsible for renewing items prior to their due date and returning materials on time.
- It is possible to view and renew your library record at any time using the My Library Account link under Quick Links on the library home page.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact the library circulation and reserve desk at extension 5400.
February 16, 2010
Library Spotlight: Alex Award Winners
"The Alex Awards are given to ten books written for adults that have special appeal to young adults, ages 12 through 18. The winning titles are selected from the previous year's publishing. The Alex Awards were first given annually beginning in 1998 and became an official ALA award in 2002."
"The award is sponsored by the Margaret A. Edwards Trust. Edwards pioneered young adult library services and worked for many years at the Enoch Pratt Library in Baltimore. Her work is described in her book Fair Garden and the Swarm of Beasts, and over the years she has served as an inspiration to many librarians who serve young adults. The Alex Awards are named after Edwards, who was called “Alex” by her friends." -- YALSA, Alex Awards
Alex Award winners may be located in the juvenile, general circulating, and recreational reading collections. Check location in the catalog and please feel free to ask if you need assistance locating one of these books.
- My Abandonment
PS3568.O327 M9 2009 - The Magicians: A Novel
PS3557.R6725 M34 2009 - Everything Matters!
PS3603.U774 E94 2009 - The Bride's Farewell
PS3568.O89419 B75 2009 - The Kids Are All Right: A Memoir
PS3623.E4622 Z46 2009 - The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope
TJ820.K36 2009 - The Good Soldiers
DS79.764.U6 F56 2009 - Soulless
PS3603.A765 S68 2009 - Stitches: A Memoir
PN6727.S54465 Z46 2009
Additional 2010 Youth Media Award winners were announced January 18, 2010.
February 11, 2010
Planned Internet Outage
Planned Internet Outage:
Our Internet Service Provider will be performing emergency network maintenance tonight, Feb. 12, from 12 midnight to 3 A.M.
During this time all services available from off campus including ANGEL, the AU website and Exchange will be unavailable. On-campus users can expect to have access to all campus resources with the exception of internet access. While we expect around 5 minutes of down time, some resources may be down for the entire duration of the maintenance window.
Off campus use of the Library Catalog, LibGuides, and OhioLINK should not be affected by this outage. During this time, please use OhioLINK for your database access.