Extended hours do not apply to the Instructional Resource Center (IRC), library second floor. Color printing will not be available during extended hours. Ashland University Library wishes everyone success on the end of year studies and exams.
November 30, 2009
Extended Hours
Extended hours do not apply to the Instructional Resource Center (IRC), library second floor. Color printing will not be available during extended hours. Ashland University Library wishes everyone success on the end of year studies and exams.
November 29, 2009
Food for Fines
Monday, November 30th through Friday, December 11th, you will get 50 cents off any non-OhioLINK fine for each non-perishable food item you bring to the library. All food donations will go to the Ashland County Food Bank.
November 24, 2009
Library Hours Update
Both the Electronic Books Center and the EAD Finding Aid Repository should be back up and functioning now. Please report any new problems with the service you may find. -- Zoe Stewart-Marshall, OhioLINK
The OhioLINK Electronic Book Center is offline at the moment. A support ticket has been opened with OARnet and they are addressing the problem. Hopefully, it will be up shortly. -- Anita Cook
November 13, 2009

You can follow OhioLINK on Twitter! Visit them @ http://www.twitter.com/ohiolink
Update: "As of about 1:50 pm on Friday the EBC is again available."
November 11, 2009
OhioLINK: QuickSearch

"We are again having problems with Quicksearch.
Symptom - the software appears to be working. You enter a search and it goes off and seems to search but consistently yields no results.
Whatever you put in as your search string is not being passed to the search function so it fails to function.
... Please direct your patrons to Academic Search Complete or the Electronic Journal Center directly. And we apologize for the inconvenience." -- OhioLINK, Zoe Stewart-Marshall
November 9, 2009
OhioLINK: Services Restored

November 8, 2009
OhioLINK: Service Interruption
"A networking problem took all the OhioLINK services offline on Sunday afternoon. As of 6pm, all services were restored with the exception of access to the BIOSIS, PsycINFO and ERIC databases. We have engineers working on the problem but do not yet have an estimate of when the problem will be resolved. We will post updates as needed." -- OhioLINK, Zoe Stewart-Marshall
OhioLINK Services Up & Running
OhioLINK Service Unavailable Sunday Afternoon
November 6, 2009
OhioLINK: Services Restored

"All services are back up and available. Please report any problems you experience to support@ohiolink.edu. Thank you for your patience as we worked through the hardware issues."
November 5, 2009
OhioLINK: EJC Update
"As of 7:15p on Thursday, all services except for the Electronic Journal Center are back up and working."
OhioLINK: EJC Down
"As of 4:25pm Thursday, the EJC is down due to a hardware problem. We have engineers looking at the problem. We will post updates when and as necessary."
"The same problem has made many of the OSearch databases unavailable also. It appears that PsycINFO, ERIC, and Biological Abstracts/BIOSIS are up. All other OSearch databases are currently down."
Update: Journal Access in AU Library Catalog
Thank you for your continued patience.
November 3, 2009
Library Spotlight: Reference Area

The newest edition to the library main floor reorganization project is our reference area! Located next to the reference collection, this easily accessible dedicated reference and information station makes it easy to work with an AU librarian in a comfortable setting.
Questions about research? Problems with a locating information for an assignment? Finding help in the library is easy; pull up a chair and spend some quality time working with a reference librarian.
Library Spotlight: Display Cases

There are a number of display cases throughout the library providing information to users about campus activities and various library collections. New to the library is a display case in the basement located directly outside of the elevators. The current display, Ohio's Native Voices, was created by Serials & Technical Services Assistant Karin Hootman and features Native American Tribes in Ohio.

November 2, 2009
Library Catalog & Journal Access
Access to research databases using Journals A to Z, LibGuides, and the library's Databases by Title web page is fully restored for users on and off campus.
Journal Access & AU Library Catalog
- Restoration of access to 74,000+ journal links from the library catalog is in progress.
- Records are being restored in batches of 5,000 and over 15,000 records have been loaded thus far.
- We anticipate the process will be complete within the next six to eight weeks.
Electronic Books & AU Library Catalog
- We are continuing to restore access to our e-book collection from the library catalog.
- There are currently 46,000+ e-books in the catalog from different vendors.
- It is anticipated full access to e-books in the catalog will be restored by the end of the term.